Chapter 28

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Chris and I met with my lawyer this morning, and even though he's going to take every last dime I have, I feel confident that he can keep me out of jail. And honestly, that's priceless.

When we walk into the apartment, Annie and Justin are packing up boxes.

"What are you doing?" I ask Annie.

She sets the tape gun down and gives me a look, one I don't quite understand. "I think it's best I find my own place. I'm gonna stay with Justin until-"

"Wait, what?! Why?" I ask.

She looks from Chris to me and furrows her brows. "Well, for one, Chris is back and I don't want to seem intrusive. But have a lot going on. I'm not even sure what anymore..."

She goes back to taping up the box she just packed while I try and decipher what she means by that. I haven't told Annie a lot about what's going on with my dad. I don't like talking about him or what happened that night. Maybe that makes me look guilty, but since I kind of am, I let it go.

"I'm moving in with Justin for a while, until I can find a place of my own," Annie says, her face looking a bit regretful. "Seeing you and Chris together again..."

She trails off and sighs. I know what she wants to say, but she probably feels weird saying it in front of Justin. She misses Sam. I can see it all over her face, every single day. I don't care much for Sam anymore, but I know what it's like to let go of someone you love.

In my case, I just...couldn't.

I look at Chris and smile. He's been through my side since he came back. I can't believe I ever thought he wouldn't have my back, no matter what. He's the only person in my life who consistently has my back. I look back to Annie and give her a sympathetic smile. "You don't have to go just because Chris is back, but I understand. You don't have to explain anything to me. Just know, you're welcome here anytime."

Her face falls and she pulls me into her arms, hugging me tight. "Same," she whispers.

After Annie and Justin are gone, Chris and I sit down on the sofa together. It's been a long, emotional day already and it's not even noon yet. Chris pulls me into his arms and rests his chin on top of my head.

"Do you remember when you needed an A on your Anatomy final to finish the semester with a 4.0 GPA?" he asks after a while.

I look over at him, furrowing my brows. "Yes...why?"

"You were so worried about it. I tried everything I could think of to get your mind on something else for a while, but you just weren't having it," he chuckles.

"You sat in the library and talked the whole time I was trying to study," I remind him.

"I was motivating you!" he whines, faking offense.

"To what? Punch you in the throat?"

He smiles as if he's impressed.

"What?" I ask, giving him a suspicious look.

"You just sounded like your old self there for a second," he replies, still smiling. "I miss the old you sometimes."

"The old me that threatened to throat punch you all the time?"

"And yet you never did," he smirks.

"Doesn't mean I won't," I say, raising my fist back.

He tickles my rib cage and I double over in laughter, trying to squirm out of his grasp. I haven't laughed this much in a long time. While it's kind of relieving to feel joy again after so long, I also feel kind of guilty for feeling that joy.

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