Chapter 33

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The final chapter...

"Lucy, hold still for just a freaking second!" Annie scolds me, holding the mascara wand merely centimeters away from my eye.

"I'm sorry! You know I blink a lot when I get nervous!" I whine.

"Why are you even nervous? I hope you're not getting cold feet. I mean, you live with the guy and you're pregnant with his baby."

"I'm not nervous about getting married," I scoff, rolling my eyes. "I'm nervous about so many eyes being on me. Everyone knows who I am now that my mom's face has been plastered on every news station across America."

"So? What's that got to do with you getting married? No one should hold that against you. Especially no one who would show up for your wedding."

I nod, trying to pull myself together. This day should be special, but I'm letting all my negative thoughts put a damper on things. The whole time Chris and I were planning our wedding, I was hounded by news reporters about my thoughts on my mom's case. We hired a lawyer when they started showing up to our house and he advised us not to answer any of their questions.

But then, we have our neighbors who are far more nosy than I'd like for them to be. While some of them ask questions in a round about way, some of them just put it quiet bluntly.

Was your father abusive? Is that why your mother killed him?

Is it true she made you help her hide the body?

What will you tell your children about your family?

Does your mother know you're expecting?

Usually, Chris is with me and he shuts them down with no problem. It's when they catch me alone that they really lay it on thick.

I can't even walk from the house to my car without someone just happening to see me. They think they can get the inside scoop just because we have similar addresses. After all I've been through though, it's tough to trust anyone, let alone someone you haven't known that long.

"Okay, there. I'm done," Annie sighs, taking a step back. "Wow. You look so beautiful."

I stand up and look at myself in the full length mirror next to the door. I had to go with a dress that would accommodate my son's apartment, but it turned out to be cute.

"You look like a fairy," Annie says from behind me, just as the door to the room opens.

Andrew peeks his head inside. "Just wanted to get a look at my girl," he smirks at me.

I turn to face him and he grins ear to ear. "My word, Lucy! You looking amazing!"

"Doesn't she look like a fairy?" Annie asks.

Cole appears in the doorway behind Andrew and slings an arm over his shoulder. "Ah, yeah! A cute, pregnant, magical fairy!"

"Thank you," I chuckle. "I don't...look too pregnant, do I? Most of the people here don't even know yet. I don't want today to be the day all hell breaks loose over my bastard child."

Cole cackles at my choice of words while Annie and Andrew just give me a look as if I've lost it.

"It won't be a bastard child," Andrew says. "Besides, Chris would've married you a long time ago. It's not like this is a shotgun wedding or something."

"My sister had a shotgun wedding," Cole says. "It lasted less than a year."

"Is that supposed to make me feel good about this?" I ask him, furrowing my brows.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2022 ⏰

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