Chapter 19

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Present Day


It's been three months since the last time I saw Lucy, but I still think about her every day. I wonder what she's doing, if she's happy, if she ever thinks of me. I keep in touch with Annie, Cole and Andrew, but none of them really bring her up much. I guess I can understand why.

Annie said Lucy went on a trip to Thailand a few weeks ago to clear her head. I've thought about calling her since we're close to the same time zone now, but I couldn't do that after so much time has passed. When I arrived in Australia, I got a new phone, a new number, new email, new apartment, new job, new everything. Everything has changed for me and in a lot of ways, it's a welcomed change. Still, there's one thing that hasn't.

I'm still in love with the girl who broke my heart.

"Knock knock," Jenny calls out before she peeks her head into my office. "Are you ready for lunch?"

"Yeah, let's go," I smile.

We walk down to the cafeteria and grab a couple of sandwiches before sitting at a small table for two next to the window. Our firm is huge and such an architectural masterpiece. Not only is the building's design sleek and modern, but it has the most beautiful view I've ever seen.

"You're dressed a little warm for January, aren't you?" Jenny smirks at me.

"Well, where I come from, it's freezing in January. This below the equator thing is going to take some getting used to," I chuckle.

"You've been here for three months. You'll get the hang of it. And who knows? Maybe you'll love it so much, you'll want to stay," she says, smiling adorably.

I have to admit, I like Jenny a lot. She's cute and sweet, she's funny, and she's been a great help to me since I've been here. I can also tell she likes me. I've kept things friendly between us since I'm in no place in my life to move on right now. She knows about Lucy and since it's only been four months since our relationship ended, it's too soon for me to be getting involved with someone else. Especially someone that I work with.

But who knows how I'll feel at the end of my two year internship? I could be over Lucy by then and ready for what's next. If what's next is staying here in Australia, then I'll entertain the possibility of Jenny becoming more than a friend.

"Ah, you bloody seppo," Jenny says, when I take a fry off her plate.

"Seppo?" I laugh. "What is that?"

"It's you," she shrugs, trying to look intimidating, but unable to hold back a smile. "It's what we call Americans. Well, some Americans. The really annoying, obnoxious ones."

"You think I'm annoying and obnoxious?" I ask dramatically, making her giggle.

"When you steal my food you are!" she shoots back.

I have to admit, there's a lot of things I don't know about Jenny, or about Australia in general. But the more I learn, the more I like it. It makes me want to know more...

"So what do you say you finally take me sight seeing this Friday," I suggest, making her eyes widen in surprise.

I didn't mean for it to come out quite as flirty as it did, but it's too late now. She totally thinks I'm hitting on her. Truth be told, I kind of am. We don't have to have anything serious, but I like spending time with Jenny. She makes me forget about Lucy, at least for a little while. She makes me laugh and smile. She makes me enjoy life, the way I used to before everything in my world became so damn complicated. So even if we're just friends, I'm gonna put myself out there and enjoy this opportunity. No pressure, no expectations.

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