Coffee Boy

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(Izuku is almost 14, but he doesn't know because he has never really known how old he is. About 2 and a half years have passed.)

Shota pro:

"Shinso, get out of your room and come do the dishes. It's your turn!" My idiot son came out of his room, purple hair disheveled.

"No way! I did them last night."

"You did do them last night, then after the dishwasher started you had 6 bowls of clerical and 6 glasses of apple juice. But what I don't understand is why you used 6 different bowls, glasses and spoons." I activated my quirk to seem more intimidating. It didn't work.

"That doesn't matter. It'sssss your turn and we are out of apple juice, we need more." He stretched out the word 'it's' putting as much sarcasm he could into the word.

I hid my smile behind my scarf. It's been two and a half years now. We have come a long way from a kid who would break down if I raised my voice at him. Now he regularly gets into arguments with me. He has not won yet, but he never stops arguing.

That night we were chasing the vigilante for the first time. That was why I was in the area when the police got the 911 call about Shinso. I had no intention of taking the boy in until I found out what his quirk was. No one would have taken him; I was his only option. But that was over two years ago, if anyone tried to take him now, they would have to go through me. He is my son, and nothing can change that.

"Dad, are you okay?"

Darn, that kid is sharp. Shinso knows me too well. It is going to be problematic when he applies for UA.

He could always tell when my mind was elsewhere, lately my mind has been trapped by the green-haired kid. Over the past two years he has done more hero work than most pro's. He's got to be around 12-16. I've only seen his height from afar and the only other information about him is from Shinso and sadly an old woman who passed away from old age last year.

Shinso was just waiting as I thought, "Yeah I'm fine, but you better get those dishes done before I come back."

"Don't worry, you'll catch him. You'll find The Phantom." I could hear the resolve in my son's voice.

"I sure hope so, Shin. I'll be back soon. I'm going to go get a cup of coffee, then I'll go get your apple juice."

"Wait! What! You're getting coffee!"

Before he could go on, I stopped him. "Ooo NO you're still grounded from last week when you drank six cups of coffee a day for a week without me knowing. You ran us dry of god's liquid."

"But da..."

I activated my quirk again, my hair and scarf floating. This time he got the message. ANYONE WHO TAKES MY COFFEE IS GOING TO PAY.

My problem child gulped, then smiled nervously.

"Ok, I'll get the dishes done," he paused an evil smile overcoming his face. "But only if you get me double the apple juice." Before I could do anything, he ran for the hills.

I chuckled as I opened the door. "See ya later, Kiddo."

I walked out into the hallway of the apartment building, instead of taking the elevator I took the stairs. The grocery store wasn't that far away so I walked at a slow pace. On the way to the grocery store there were two other places that always caught my attention, luckily, they were next to each other. The first of course was a small coffee café that could only seat about twenty people. For how small it was it was very popular. It also had the most original name ever, "The World's best Coffee", but the name held true. Right next to the little café was a huge library. I have never been to it, but I can personally just use the UA's.

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