Again (Chapter 10)

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Izuku POV

Brava took care of all the papers for UA. I'm okay, I can do this. My heart raced as I walked up to UA. There were people everywhere. Kids rushing in, others sitting around talking to each other. Suddenly, I got overwhelmed. This was a bad idea. My heart was on the frits. How was this making me lose my nerve? I was so lost in my own thoughts I tripped. I was about to stop my fall when my weight seemed to vanish leaving me in the air.

"That was a close one." A brown-haired girl with huge brown eyes put me back on my feet.

"Thanks a ton. Bad impression to make on the first day." I laughed as the girls' eyes widened as she looked at me. "Is there something on my face?"

The girl blushed, "No you're good, oh no I mean there's nothing, you fine...yah." She was practically hopping up and down. "What class are you going to?" Her face a still a little red.

I pulled out a piece of paper and handed it to her, "This one."

"Oh class 1-A. Thats my class too!" Her enthusiasm was terrifying as if it was seeping into me. Making me twitch. With that one twitch I got a horrible feeling. "You must have been recommended like Todoroki, and Yaorashi. So, that means you are...." She stopped, thinking.

"It's Ren."

"Oh yah" Her personality screamed happiness I couldn't help it I grew more nervous just being around her. She didn't notice as I got twitchier. Crap I really thought I got rid of these habits. I tried to calm myself down. I only had a slight tremble. Did I really think I could do this? BE NORmal? One girl and I'm already shaking like a leaf. This was the worst idea I have ever had. Why didn't I just run away? Was it because? No it I can't let it be that. But still...

We walked into the class together. There were a couple of students there. One was moving his hands in a chopping motion. I walked in when he was talking, "Shinso you must have noticed that there was more to the exam than the rest of us when you saved that girl." The Robot stopped when he saw the girl standing next to me. I used the moment to slink into the back finding a chair by the window a couple of seats behind a blond kid with spiky hair. For some reason he looked...

"I can't wait to meet everybody!" The girl was moving her arm up and down as she said this. When I heard Aizawa's voice.

"If you are here to make friends you can just pack up your stuff now. Welcome to UA's Hero course. Now here put theses on," he unzipped the yellow sleeping bag he was in and held out a school gym uniform, "And met me outside."

"How did none of us notice him."

"Where did that uniform come from?"

All the students stood up and grabbed a uniform made for them. Expect me. I walked up to Mister Aizawa.

"Hm Sir." Aizawa watched me like a hawk. "I requested to have a long sleeve uniform."

"Yes, the hero support course made you two pieces they thought you would like with your wings." He went and grabbed them for me. "Here." I took them and walked off. As I walked to the boys' locker-room, I inspected the uniforms. One of the options had slots where I could slide my wings in then zip it up. The other had a very stretchy material on the back, with holes for my wings.

The others had gone ahead of me all expect Shin. "Hey bro" Shins' been trying his hardest to befriend me. We worked with each other cleaning the beach for months. It was hard distancing myself, so hard it didn't work. We became friends. Well to me he was a friend but the way I acted he probably thought I hated him. Or he probably figured out I didn't like talking. I don't really know, but the kid waited for me, so it was probably the latter.

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