Sports Festival Part 3.

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I hide the magnetized crowbar before the finals started.

They had decided to keep going despite the downpour. The only way to stop a UA sports Festival was a villain attack. With my luck that would happen. I was against Sero and we were first. I haven't ever really talked to him, but he seems like a good person.

"Ren. I only got to this round because you helped me. It feels wrong to fight you."

We were standing in the rain. The audience was booing. The round had stated minutes ago—neither of us had moved since the bell rang. The wind was picking up, any clothes where sticking to my skin. I felt cold.

"Same goes for me!" I yelled over the rain, "We are on equal terms here." Plan A wouldn't have worked without him.

I was growing nervous about the rain. I didn't know if it would wash the blue dye out of my hair, but it seemed to be holding up.

Sero took a step forward.

I needed to survive this round and then lose. It would be less suspicious that way. But, if Sero gave a good fight and I lost that would be okay too.

He shot a piece of tape at me. I stepped to the side. Seven more shot at me making eight total. The way he was moving reminded me of a spider. The more tape he shot, the less footing I had. He was a spider weaving his web for his prey. Sero kept a safe distance, or so he thought. I rushed him hitting a light blow on his side. I got a grunt of pain in return. If that bar was still in my pants it would have hurt a lot more.

This was incredibly easy. Though I was putting up a front making myself struggle. I would make Sero look bad if I took him out in one hit. I lagged multiple times trying to give him an opportunity get a hit in. He finally took one, whipping his hand to hit my head. I dodged knowing I would land on a piece of tape. It would make it harder for me. My foot stuck to it. What I didn't account for was the tape slipping from under me.

I cursed under my breath. It was the water. When Sero laid his traps the tape didn't stick completely to the wet surface, but it had somehow been sticky enough to trap my foot.

Sero took the opportunity to yank the tape. It wouldn't have been a problem, but my other foot betrayed me slipping. With one foot being pulled and the other falling, I quickly turned my body to catch myself. I heard the sound of Sero's quirk then my right arm was encased in tape. It was the arm attached to the hand I was about to catch myself with.

My head hit the ground hard. I cursed, yanking both limbs back, jumping up. My vision was slightly blurred but it soon went away.

Something felt different. My heart rate had picked up, my wings were locked against my back. I looked around. Sero was still there and looked disappointed for not taking me down. The crowd was the same. The rain was the same.

Everything was the same, so what was wrong?

"Dang, I thought I had you there." The closer he came the more my heart picked up, "Are you okay? I didn't mean for you to fall." He didn't come any closer, waiting for a response. My head throbbed but the rain was finally letting up. It was a small mercy. "Dude you don't look so good."

You don't either.

He still stood there waiting for a response that I just gave him. I looked around again. I must have misjudged because the crowd was a more riled up than I previously thought.

"Dude. Should we stop?"

I looked back confused. Why was he worried? I just told him he looks just as messy as I do.

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