Tears and Flames

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[WORD COUNT: 4156]

When I say it doesn't hurt to see my classmate's lives go on without me I would be lying. Regardless of everything going down, they have still gone to take the test for their provisional license. A couple of them failed but who, I'm not sure. The rat that told me had to run after a blaze of wind and fire almost killed it.

I bet Bakugo passed. He is too strong not to have. No offense but I was having a hard time believing any of class 1-A failed. I mean, no offense to the other schools, but really my class is better. They can do anything if they put their mind to it.

I shouldn't think like this. If I start thinking they are strong I might overestimate them and that could be dangerous. I would rather be surprised than disappointed. They are going to be great Heroes in the future.

Who knows maybe I'll live long enough to make enemies out of some of them.

I am walking down the street. Of course, I had a hoodie on and my wings covered. I was also surprised by how well I have been healing. A couple of days of not moving will do that to you. Also not moving for that long has significantly injured my brain with boredom. Let's just say that being out of my super secret base was relieving. I hate being underground.

What is concerning me is the lack of communication with La Brava. She sent me a text saying everything was okay and she had to figure some stuff out before she could meet up. I find that strange after an attack like this I would have thought she would have tried to mother hen me.

I am kinda worried about it, what does she have to deal with? An injury? Healing takes time so it isn't that weird she hasn't met up with me. She's probably healing emotionally too. The Hero Killer is off the streets. Brava deserves better and now she's gotten it. Who would have guessed she would turn out to be a vigilante and a dang good one at that.

I've been making sure to text her I'm healing, same with Gentle. Though I don't know if I have the right number for Gentle. Like I'm not that worried, they can handle themselves. Yeah, Definitely. They are okay. Nothing is wrong.

Okay fine, I've asked some birds to locate them. I think it's fair. Brava tracks me, nothing wrong with me wanting to know where they are.

Anyways the birds told me they are okay, but that was a couple of days ago. Couldn't find much more information. Some animals aren't exactly smart. I usually try to stick with birds, rats, and cats. Dogs can be helpful sometimes, but more than often they would rather fight with you than gather accurate information. People are also more likely to catch a dog walking around than a cat.

On a side note, I was able to take off my bandages today. They probably should have stayed but who has time for that? Not me because I am going out on patrol. Nothing dangerous. Just information gathering. A quick drop by at Eraser Head's place. Nothing big. Checking up on my hotel making sure no one's found it out.

Just a quick stop by at Eraser Heads.

I turned my head away as I walked passed The World's Best Coffee it seems like they are doing alright without me. Next was the library. No surprise there it was the same. All too soon I was in front of the building.

I held my hands out holding Blacky in front of me. "Kay, I got a mission for you." The cat was small and malnourished. Over the last couple of days, I've got some meat on her but I can't take care of her. She's not a baby but she's young enough that she needs a home. I also need another informant. "The man's name is Shota. You might get fooled by his affection and want to start defending him. It's important you tell me what's going on with him."

Blacky blinked, yawning, then meowed.

This is hopeless. I'm never going to be able to get her to do what I want. Blacky's a ridiculous teenager and does what she wants. I laughed in my head. Shota will probably take a liking to her. Blacky will love him. "Blacky. Hey Cat." She looked at me, "His door is on the top floor, just start meowing and he will come out. Go. He will give you a home."

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