Sports Festival, Part 1

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I looked over my back for the fifth time. Something wasn't right. I was standing in the middle of all the UA students. I felt hundreds of eyes on me, on the students. I was too distracted to listen to what Midnight was saying so when everyone yelled 'Plus Ultra' my heart jumped.

Before the sports Festival, all the classes were debriefed about underground heroes and if they wanted to become one. Those few people were given special permission to dye their hair and were given colored contacts. It was smart. The public doesn't know who is in what class or how many people are in a class. So they wouldn't be able to tell who was who.

 The ones who wanted to go the route of an underground hero also didn't walk in with the hero course classes. Hence, I am standing in the middle and not in the front with 1-A. The underground wannabes also aren't go by their real names.

My hair had been dyed light blue and I had purple contacts. All of which the school provided. My freckles had been covered and my wings had been dyed with a washable light blue color as well.

I could barely recognize Hitoshi. His hair was black, and his eyes were orange.

I wish my hair had been dyed black.

The mass of students started moving again restlessly.

"You suck!"

"Like you will win!"

Bakugo was now standing with Midnight, but I didn't catch what he said.

"Now, now, please calm down. He is just kidding! Let the Festival begin!" Midnight yelled. Mic repeating it over a microphone.

The shout of Bakugos protest about how he wasn't kidding was lost as the crowd screamed. With the big start, the audience grew impatient from the 20 minutes it took to get all the students to the start of the first challenge, an obstacle course.


I was standing in the back of a tunnel. My ears ringing from the noise that was reverberating off the walls, making it worse.

Then there was the starting sound.

"The first‐year students are already off to one rockin' start! And it's only the first round! Talk about a cruel obstacle course! Our players are racing against each other in a vicious battle where anything goes so long as they stay on the track!" Mic screamed.

Kids in the front where fighting left and right trying to push break free. I watched . Shoto had frozen a robot at the end of the tunnel, but it was off balance and would soon fall.

How long do these competitions last? Three hours? No, it's longer than that. They have a halftime break so the crowd can buy food. Closer to four? So how many people do they need to fill that time frame? How many are they keeping? 30? 50? No thirty is too small.

Should I get 45th place?

No, if I get closer to the end that might be suspicious, closer to the thirties. Around 38 would be better.

Would Eraserhead be disappointed if I got 38th? I don't think that Eraserhead meant for me to get first when he told me to do my best. Maybe he just wants to see my skills?

I was lost in my thoughts and noticed that if I didn't start running it would be suspicious for me to gain that much ground and still finish at the end of the 30s.

The crowd was finally thinning as everyone rushed out of the tunnel. It didn't matter anymore though. Still in the back, I took a few steps, taking a running jump onto the crowd. With a simple jump, I started running across people's shoulders. Two people I stepped on crumbled under my weight, but before I fell with them, I was already moving on to my next target. I had already picked every single person that I landed on before I jumped. None of them could stop me with their quirks. Also, none of them would be too injured when I landed on them.

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