Beginning of the sports Festival

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"Okay spread your wings," Hawks told me as he stood behind me, "I need to see if your back is weak from never using them."

This was the first flying 'lesson' that Eraserhead dropped me off at.

It's not like I don't know how to fly. It's just that I can't.

"Okay your wings look fine but they might start to get sore, with these lessons."

"Hm." I budded in, "I don't need to fly." Shocked, hawks paused for a moment, not knowing what to say.

Hawks seemed to gain his thoughts and responded, "Well do you want to?"

I didn't know how to respond, Maybe, No? What did he want to hear? 

I didn't say anything back.

"Your wings look fast, but let's try just pushing yourself off the ground. Here like this," He took a few steps back and flapped his wings getting his feet off the ground for a couple of seconds then landed back down on his toes.

"Okay when not try that."

My wings their full length ached. Just watching Hawks fly made them sting with pain.

"I don't think I can. I mean I can glide, but actually," I didn't finish letting Hawks piece together what I was trying to say.

"Actually pushing yourself off the ground?"

"Yeah, that."

Right now we were on UA campus grounds in the warehouse building behind the main building. This building was remodeled for the use of teaching me to fly. I could see the confused expressions on Hawk's face, like why would a school devote a whole building to a kid who can learn how to fly outside? It made no sense to either of us.

If I did learn to fly I would just fly away through. I would go somewhere no one could find me. I could fly overseas and do vigilante work in America. I speak English.

But I can't just leave the people here.

I was brought back by another example that hawks was showing me on how to fly.

"I want you to just jump as hard as you can and then flap your wings as hard as you can."


I grounded my feet bending my legs. Pushing my energy into my legs I jumped, but my wings did nothing.

"Hahaha it's okay kid,  just do it again but remember to flap your wings."

I cursed under my breath. It's not that simple.

But... it is that simple.

The same result happen the second time and now I saw the worry in Hawks's eyes. One time forgetting or not knowing how is okay, but the same result twice in a UA student recommended by Eraserhead was not normal.

Ashamed, I looked away.


"Ren! Are you there?" a small voice yelled over an earpiece.

I could barely hear it from the kitchen as I poured Eraserhead and Hitoshi their coffee.


"How was your first lesson with Hawks," Hitoshi asked.

"Sorry, it took me so long to reach out! Ren are you there?"

I looked down the hall trying to imagine the earpiece giving off little vibrations, carefully hidden.

Luckily Hitoshi was also sitting in the same direction and thought I looked up at him, "It was fine."

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