A Meeting of old Friends.

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I don't know how others would describe freedom. It would probably be on the lines of safety, and comfort. Some even will say anarchy is freedom.

It doesn't matter what others think. Because I have freedom. The best type of freedom. The best one I will ever have. I will never give it away. Not again, not for safety and comfort.

I was sitting on the roof of my building. Dangling my legs off a ledge.

Of course, I took my belongings. Though I had to leave the pillow pet. I couldn't get it through the window. I didn't try very hard. The window could have still warned Eraser, and I needed to be long gone by then.

The first step wasn't the hardest; the one I took towards the window. It was the second. The step I took knowing I wasn't going to come back. The step that lead me away from the life that was a lie. It wasn't real.

There was a pang in my chest as it also meant no school. No pro Hero teachers. No more semi-trying to be normal. But, trying to be normal was taken away at the USJ. When Nezu broke my trust.

Another pang hit me. It was hard to tell if it was greater than the bliss of my old freedom coming back. Being rather early, I bet Hitoshi was trying to stay asleep while his tossing and turning would wake Eraser. Shota would then, sometimes, flip his mattress in anger. The type of anger you get when trying to stay asleep but can't. Twenty minutes later, they would both be on their second cup of coffee.

Shota would be on his way to Hosu, if not already there. Which, I needed to do the same. The train was coming, and I needed to get on.

I had a quirk fantasy about flying there. My wings acing in the process. It was as if they were in a dormant state. Like they had forgotten themselves. Forgotten the freedom. Until the fight, I had with Bakugo. That went they tasted it. Now they crave it.

I jumped down, from the completely safe advantage point, which by no means would sometimes shutter from my weight. I used my wings in the descent, successfully.

I made it to my room. My room. My building. My home.

My countless number of pillows – are starting to smell like mold. Guess it couldn't be helped.

The animals were nice enough to not use my area as their bathroom. So no, besides mold, dust, and my old mess, it was how I liked it.

There was a ring, and I picked up a new phone I found in the apartment.

"Brava, not that I'm not grateful, but how did you find out where I lived?"

In a trying-to-be spooky voice, "The law of concluding."

"You're unbelievable. In more ways than one."

Understanding that I was changing the subject, she took it with vigor, "Oh you mean, when I told you to go hunt the hero killer yourself? I couldn't risk it. The hero could have read your lips."

"I know. Who are you sending to help me." I paused for a moment knowing that this was a soft spot for her, "Brava. I just want to say I'm sorry- "

"Ren, hey, it's okay. It was a couple of years ago, and it all goes well Stain going to die or be in prison for the rest of his life."

I could hear the pain in her voice. The Hero Killer killed her parents. Though it was still unclear if it was just him or if the man's mentor was with him. But it had been years since he was seen. There was speculation that The Hero killer had killed his mentor.

Brava would have never sent me out alone.

I found out that she had been thrown into the world. No job. No money. It's why her eyes are permanently bruised. She had to work through the grief she felt. No one loved her. It only added to the fact that she had been bullied in high school.

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