The Other side.

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"Hitoshi, we messed up." 

"I know."


"Don't you dare RUN," Eraserhead yelled. "

"REN! WHY AREN'T YOU RUNNING?" Hitoshi was frantic. 

Eraserhead snapped into full-blown dad mode when Ren WALKED out of his room into the kitchen.

Ren looked back in fear as he started to respond to Hitoshi, "I..." 

His words were lost as his heterochromia eyes glazed over grey. 

Aizawa's previous dad mode tripled enough that he let out a stream of voguer words. 

"HISOSHI! WHAT," He paused trying not to swear, "What were you thinking." 

His voice was cold; harsh, worried. 

"I thought we could help him" 

Hitoshi was now feeling guilt. He had just abused his powers. Even if he had good intentions he abused it. 

Shota walked passed Izuku and grabbed Hitoshi's shoulder.

"You are an Idiot." 

"I, I didn't know what I was thinking." 

"You weren't thinking, that's why." 

Shota brought his hand up to his forehead. 

"What were your intentions, nevermind I already know."

"Can we still do it?"

Letting out a huge sigh Aizawa moved back letting his hand drop, "It's wrong, but I've already thought about doing this many times."

Taking that as confirmation Hitoshi moved to look at Ren. 

"Hitoshi," a short pause, "You need to be careful about your wording. He's a smart kid."

Hitoshi's quirk had drawn more powerful. Since he became an Aizawa, he was able to practice on his dad. 

Over the years they had found out that his quirk could work without the person knowing they had been brainwashed. He couldn't tell someone to do something they didn't know how to do, but he could change their minds. There were two drawbacks; if the person had any inclination the brainwashing would break and Hitoshi had to be near them. The range changed on who he was brainwashing. 

Hitoshi turned to Izuku, "Ren. I'm sorry I did this. You will not remember anything until we get to the car. You will think you are just out of it. Your leg is injured, you don't want to injure it more. You have crutches, you don't like them now, but today they seem useful." 

He paused thinking. He knew that it being useful wasn't going to make Ren use them. 

"They aren't just useful, they are fun. These things are yours. Don't let people take them without permission. Again you will not remember this conversation."

Hitoshi broke the connection down to the last thread. It wasn't that he was still controlling him, but he could still feel the after-effects of his quirk on Ren. 

"You are grounded."

"What? Why? I'm trying to help him."

"Hitoshi, you are the only person I've seen him not twitch around. This would easily make him lose his trust in you."



The atmosphere in the car was tense. I watched Ren out of the corner of my eye. 

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