2. Mornings Suck

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Caroline was tired of waking up to shove her head in a toilet. She sat on the bathroom floor, banging her head against the wall. Following the sound of the thumping, Stefan found her in a state of complete frustration. The blonde glared at him before he could even say a word.

"If you say anything about those stupid baby books you've been reading I'll find them and throw them at you." She growled, tears threatening to spill as she felt the urge to vomit again. Stefan disappeared, returning for a quick moment with a glass of water before leaving again. Caroline heard the front door close but decided to ignore it.

She flushed the evidence of her morning sickness before carefully getting to her feet. She slowly made her way to her bed, just in time for Stefan to return. He held up a bag that made Caroline's heart race and her stomach growl.

"Curly fries or waffle fries? I brought both."

"All of them. Everything. Gimme gimme gimme!" Caroline reached for the bag of greasy comfort food and Stefan handed it to her.

Caroline was unbelievably thankful for Stefan. He had been her support system since she lost Klaus. He had helped her through her heartbreak, her financial struggles, and her pregnancy. She wasn't sure how they had gotten so close or how she had lucked out to have him by her side through this but she was grateful.

"Mmm. Oh my god, I love you." She moaned as she shoved a fry into her mouth.

"Are you talking to me or the fries?" Stefan teased as he sat at the foot of Caroline's bed.

"Do you want me to lie to you?" He shook his head at her as she stuffed a few more fries into her already full mouth.

"What time is your appointment?" Stefan questioned as Caroline followed him into his room to pack his stuff for work. She jumped onto his bed, careful not to get grease on his pillows.

"12:20." She informed him.

"Okay, I should be able to take you on my lunch break." He offered and she shook her head.

"Don't worry about it, I'll be fine." Caroline felt bad that Stefan was putting in all of this work for a baby that wasn't his.

"I'll be here to pick you up at 12." He promised, ignoring her protests. He shuffled around the room packing his stuff and slipping on his uniform. When he was ready he stopped by Caroline's side to place a kiss on her forehead.

"Have fun at work!" She called after him as he disappeared through the front door. She escorted herself back to her room and pulled out a diary, something she had picked up from Elena. The journal was filled with observations about her pregnancy. A small part of her believed that she would be reunited with Klaus someday and she wanted him to be a part of this experience. It was foolish but it gave her hope.

Bonnie groaned as her head swirled, pounding if she moved too fast. The sunlight peeking through her sunglasses was sending a sharp pain into her skull and another wave of nausea had her wishing she had stayed in bed.

"What's wrong, Bonbon?" Damon's familiar chirp came as he sat down across from her. If looks could kill he would've been long gone. Her travelling companion was free from the curse of hangovers. Bonnie was not that lucky.

"I come bearing gifts!" A coffee appeared on the table in front of her and Bonnie looked up to see the man that had put it there. Kai slipped into the seat next to hers and slung his arm over the back of her chair. "Looking good Bon."

"I'll let that slide because you brought me coffee." She glared playfully. After Alaric returned to his family, Bonnie found herself roped into a trip around Europe with Kai and Damon. While neither would have been her first pick to travel with, the journey had offered her an escape from everything that had happened with Kol and the Mikaelsons. "Where are we heading today?" Bonnie asked.

"Skopelos, Greece," Kai answered checking the map they had been marking up. We should probably head out soon if we want to catch the ferry. "It's nearing the end of our trip."

"Don't remind me." Damon groaned. Bonnie had to agree with the man. Going back seemed like the last thing she wanted to do. As much as she would love to catch up with Elena and Caroline she knew seeing them would remind her of why she left. The thought of staying crossed her mind a few times. Start a new life far away from the Mikaelsons. Though, there really was no such thing as being away from the Mikaelsons. She had seen pictures of Rebekah attending fashion week. She had seen Kol's name in the tabloids after a torrid affair with a model in a restaurant bathroom. She was even convinced she had seen Elijah when they had been in France though it was early enough in her trip that she was hoping it was a stress-induced hallucination.

"We can always extend. Hit a few more countries...I've always wanted to tour Asia." Kai piped up.

"Some of us have lives we need to get back to." Bonnie quipped though she knew that wasn't entirely true. Damon had his brother but that wasn't exactly an urgent connection. She had left everything behind when she started working for Katherine. Kai wasn't pressed to go home either. "Is there really nothing you have to get back to?" Bonnie wondered. Even after all of their time together she hadn't learned much about his life.

"Nothing as good as what I have here." He gave her a smile but Bonnie could tell by the look in his eyes that he was hiding something.

"I hate to break up the googoo eyes but we should get packed." Damon pointed out.

"We have time to sit here and enjoy the sun," Kai argued, leaning back in his chair.

"When did I become the responsible one?"

"Damon's right." Bonnie stood up, taking a moment to push down her nausea. The coffee was helping but she couldn't enjoy the sunshine as much as her travel companions.

"Can you say that again? I wanna record it for a new ringtone." Damon smirked earning an eye roll from Bonnie.

"On second thought maybe ending this trip isn't the worst idea." She scoffed, smiling endearingly at her friends.

"Come on Bonbon, you don't mean that." Kai pouted playfully.

"Let's just get going so we can get to Greece before supper."

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