29. I'm Glad You're Okay

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"Bekah." Kol sat on the edge of Rebekah's hospital bed. "I knew you were crazy but this is a little much." Rebekah let out a weak laugh. 

"How mad are they?" 

"Right now they are just worried. We'll see how mad they are after they find out you orchestrated the whole thing." Kol gave her a knowing look. 

"I had to do something. I couldn't leave you idiots to figure it out for yourselves." Kol looked over at his sister, taking note of all her injuries. Her left hand was broken and she had a few cuts which he assumed came from broken glass. The doctor had also told him she had a concussion. He was thankful she was okay and her plan hadn't completely backfired. 

"Don't ever do anything this stupid again and this can stay between us. Well us and the Salvatore." 

"Is he doing okay?" She asked, feeling guilty for not having asked sooner. 

"He's awake but I haven't talked to him. I'm sure Bonnie or Elena will be in and you can ask them all about it." Rebekah grinned when he said Bonnie's name. At least there was some sort of progress. He even said Elena without complete disgust. "How exactly did you get him to go along with your stupid plan anyway? Is he that in love with you?"

Stefan started to head down one of the back streets just out of town. Rebekah turned to look at him. 

"It's not too late to back out."  He rolled his eyes at her. 

"If you want to go home Bex we can find another way." He assured her, slightly teasing her for wanting to back out. He knew the idea was crazy and he wasn't sure why he was going along with it. Maybe for his friends' happiness. Maybe so Rebekah would realize he would do anything for her. "But if you don't, we're in this together." 

"I like the sound of that." She reached over and he grabbed her hand, intertwining their fingers. 

"Rebekah Mikaelson, you drive me crazy." Stefan laughed lightly. "Are you ready?" 

"I'm ready if you are."  Rebekah pulled out her phone and dialled 911 as Stefan swerved off the road, smashing into a tree. 

"911 what's your emergency?"

"There's been an accident." 

"I need to see him," Rebekah told Kol urgently. 

"You're going to have to wait. If I don't let Elijah in here he might bust down the door." Kol teased.

"You know, I was wondering how you got in here before my favourite brother." Rebekah laughed slightly. Kol thought about grabbing the pillow out from under her and hitting her with it but he figured that sort of behaviour was frowned upon. Instead, he stuck his tongue out at her.

"I'll send him in." 

Meanwhile, Elena sat in the waiting room with Bonnie. Damon had gone to see Stefan leaving the two of them alone. Jo's words kept ringing through her head. 

"Has Kai ever worked in the publishing industry?" Elena questioned. 

"Not that I know of, why?" 

"Jo mentioned something about us being in business together." She explained, still trying to figure things out in her head. 

"That's weird." 

"Has he ever mentioned Katherine?" 

"Not really. I think he's talked to Damon about her but I don't think they've ever met." Bonnie shrugged. Elena nodded but remained skeptical. 

When Caroline arrived at the hospital, Hope was wailing in her arms. 

"This is why they tell you not to wake a sleeping baby," Caroline grumbled as Elena and Bonnie stared at her. "Can I see him?" 

"Damon's in there but he'll be out soon," Elena told her. "Do you want me to hold Hope?" She offered. 

"It's okay, Stefan's pretty good at getting her to sleep when I can't." Caroline wondered if she should tell them about Klaus but she wasn't entirely sure what to say. 

"Hey, could you turn that off? Some of us are trying to have a conversation." Damon poked his head out of Stefan's room. When he caught sight of Caroline's glare he slipped out of the room. "He's all yours." Caroline entered Stefan's hospital room and he chuckled at the crying baby in her arms.

"I'll take her." He offered, holding out his good arm. 

"Are you sure you can handle her right now?" Caroline asked as she noticed the way he winced as he moved to sit up. 

"I'm fine, I promise." He assured her. Hope squirmed as Caroline placed her carefully into Stefan's arms. She settled nicely and Stefan smirked. Caroline sat in the chair that was set up next to Stefan's bed. 

"You scared me." Stefan felt guilty when he noticed the tears welling up in her eyes. 

"I'm sorry." He apologized. "How's Rebekah?" 

"Seriously?" Caroline shook her head. "When I got that phone call I thought... I thought-" 

"I'm okay Caroline." He assured her. "It's just a few broken bones."

"Rebekah is okay. She woke up and the doctors ran some tests to make sure everything was fine." Stefan sighed in relief but noticed Caroline was holding something back.

"What else?" 

"I talked to Klaus." Stefan tried to act surprised. He hoped she wouldn't notice his excitement that their plan had worked. "We fought and then he came home with me and we talked." 


"He wants a DNA test for Hope." 

"That's fair given everything." Caroline nodded in agreement. "What happens when it comes back and he finds out he is Hope's father?" 

"I don't know." Caroline looked at Stefan holding Hope. She tried to picture Klaus in his place. "Is it crazy that I want to try being a family?" 

"Not even a little." Stefan gave her a comforting smile. 

"If you ever scare me like that again I'll kill you."

Elijah sat by Rebekah's bed going through their plan when she was discharged. 

"Did you talk to her?" Rebekah questioned, interrupting his drawn-out speech about car safety. 

"Yes I talked to your doctor and she said-"

"I meant Elena and you know it." Rebekah attempted to cross her arms, giving up when the task proved to be too difficult. 


"Elijah, you have to." 

"Rebekah, I do not." She was surprised by her brother's petty arguing. 

"You need closure."

"I got closure." He insisted. "I have Antoinette now." Elijah's conversation with Klaus stood out in his mind. 

"You still love Elena." 

"I could never be with her after what she did." 

"Says who?" He gave her a look and she backed down. "I'm not saying you have to marry her, I'm saying you should talk to her." 


"Do it for me. Your poor bedridden sister." Rebekah gave him her best puppy dog eyes, knowing that Elijah couldn't say no to her. "My only request. If I were to die tomorrow-"

"Alright." He halted her guilting immediately. "One conversation." 

"Without screaming at her," Rebekah added. 

"Fine," Elijah spoke through gritted teeth. Rebekah smirked proudly but needed a way to make sure he didn't back out. 

"Give me your word." She knew his word meant everything to him and there was no way he would back out if he promised her. 

"I give you my word." 

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