40 Epilogue

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"Everything looks great Care!" Stefan announced as he joined Caroline in the courtyard. 

"Well I couldn't have done it without you Stef." She beamed as she finished setting the table. 

"The chefs are just finishing up the first course. If we want drinks we should start pouring now." As if on cue, Kol and Bonnie entered the area with Klaus trailing behind holding Hope in his arms. 

"Hi baby." Caroline grinned as she wrapped her arms around his waist. 

"You'll never guess what just happened." Klaus was smiling wide with an almost mischievous look in his eyes. 

"I swear if you did anything to mess up this dinner-"

"Da-da." Caroline fell silent as her eyes drifted between Klaus and Hope.

"Did she just?"


"Seriously?" Caroline blurted out, unwinding her arms before taking Hope from Klaus. "I carried you for nine months and now you've decided he's your first word?" Hope giggle in Caroline's arms.

"Da-da." Caroline let out a dramatic huff. 

"You suck." She pouted though it was clear to everyone that she was incredibly happy about the development. "I'm still proud of you though." 


"Okay now you're just rubbing it in." Caroline handed the baby to Stefan before turning to Bonnie. "You look gorgeous." 

"Thanks Care." Bonnie smiled and Kol felt his heart swell. "What time is Bekah supposed to get here?" 

"Her flight got in an hour ago so she should be pulling up at any moment." Stefan responded. 

"Where are Elijah and Elena?" Kol questioned. 

"We're here!" Elena's voice echoed around them. She and Elijah darted into the room both a little breathless. "Sorry we're late." 

"We had business to attend to." Elijah stared at Elena with what Kol liked to describe as his heart eyes. 

"Business?" Caroline studied his expression.

"We'll explain later." Elena promised, trying to contain what might have been the biggest smile she had in over a year. They started pouring drinks as they waited for Bekah's arrival. Rebekah had gone to New York to finish up some work with her company. She had been gone for two weeks and Stefan was so thrilled to have her back at his side. 

"Explain what?" It was Rebekah's voice that chimed in from behind them. Everyone whirled around to face her and smiles erupted on everyone's faces. "Miss me?" Caroline was the first to launch herself into Rebekah's arms, beating Stefan to the punch.

"Thank god you're back." Caroline gushed. 

"Well Stef, I always knew Caroline had a thing for my sister." Klaus commented, clapping a hand on Stefan's shoulder. 

"I guess we'll just have to run away together and raise this baby as our own." Stefan quipped, lightly rocking Hope who slept soundly in his arms. Rebekah greeted all of her family members, including Bonnie and Elena before reaching Stefan who handed Hope to her dad. 

"Hey." She gave him a shy smile before he took her hand and pulled her into a heated kiss, ignoring the presence around them. 

"There are little eyes present!" Caroline squealed at their passionate reunion, rushing over to cover her daughter's eyes, despite the fact that they were closed. 

"Yes Kol is far too young to be a witness to such debauchery!" Elijah teased earning a playful laugh from Elena. Kol lightly shoved his older brother though he couldn't hold back the grin on his face. Rebekah and Stefan's lips parted, pressing their foreheads together. 

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