37. The Morning After

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Caroline woke up with an arm draped across her stomach. The events of the night before flashed in her mind. She looked over and saw Klaus sleeping peacefully next to her.

"Your staring, love," Klaus mumbled.

"Can you blame me? I've missed this view." She rolled onto her side so she was looking at him. He tightened his grip on her waist. "I think that's the best I've slept since Hope was born."

"Should we go check on her? She never makes it through the night without crying." Caroline's heart swooned at his concern for their daughter.

"Could we just lay here for a moment?" Caroline asked, her fingers lightly tracing his jawline.

"I could be persuaded." He chuckled, meeting her lips in a heated kiss. Hope's cries echoed through the apartment. Caroline started to get up but Klaus stopped her. "Let me." He stood up and got dressed as Caroline watched. He slipped out of the room and she finally let herself process everything.

Were they back together? If they were did they pick up where they left off or start fresh? Would he move in for real? What would that mean for Stefan? Would they stay in Dallas or move back to New Orleans?

All of the questions raced through her mind and she started to feel the weight of the pressure. She got dressed as fast as she could and slipped out of the room.

"I have plans that I forgot about so I'm going to go but I'll see you later!" She spoke in one breath, rushing to get to the door before he could stop her. Klaus called after her but she was gone. He glanced at Hope and felt a pit in his stomach. Had they ruined everything?

Elena and Elijah woke up together and shared a smile.

"Good morning," Elena mumbled as she squeezed him tighter. He chuckled happily holding her closer. 

"Good morning." Elena looked at him and all of the events from the day before flashed through her mind. Elijah felt her body tense. "What's wrong?"

"I just don't know what to do." She admitted. "Jenna's gone. Damon's gone. Bonnie will probably leave. I feel like there's nothing left for me here." 

"Come to New Orleans with me." The thought had definitely crossed her mind but she had thought it would be too soon. "We can get a place together that's new. We can restart and truly begin our lives together." 

"Okay." She agreed. "I would love to."

Stefan's phone rang on the table next to Rebekah. He was making breakfast in the kitchen and didn't seem to hear the ringtone.

"Caroline is calling!" Rebekah called out to him. 

"Answer it." He yelled back. She felt giddy about the fact that he trusted her with his phone. It was so small compared to crashing a car for her but she still felt warmth in her heart.


"Oh my god Stefan, Klaus and I slept together last night and I'm totally freaking out. What am I supposed to do? Are we like in a relationship now? What if we break up? What happens to Hope? we finally got to a good place but- wait." Caroline rambled before realizing she was not speaking to Stefan. "Hi, Rebekah..." She mumbled sheepishly. 

"Hi, Caroline." Rebekah was grinning ear to ear over the revelation about Caroline and her brother. 

"Do you want to pretend you didn't hear that?" 

"Not a chance." 

"So..." Although Rebekah couldn't see her, she could tell Caroline's face was bright red.

"Talk to him. Tell him exactly what you are feeling. My brother is constantly paranoid and he's going to spiral about you running out on him. Just be honest about how you're feeling. He still loves you." Rebekah advised. Caroline processed Rebekah's words and knew she was right. 

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