27. A Cheater, A Liar and a Turkey Baster

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Elijah found Klaus sitting on a bench outside of the hospital, his head in his hands. 

"Niklaus." Elijah sat down beside him. 

"How could we have been so foolish," Klaus growled. 

"We fell in love," Elijah admitted. 

"I thought she felt the same. The whole time I thought I found the one while she was screwing my best friend." 

"Antoinette was a distraction from everything I was feeling. But seeing Elena again just brought everything back." He sighed. "The heartache, the betrayal-"

"The love." Klaus finished. 

"The love." 

"Is that why you rushed in again? With Antoinette?" Elijah knew his siblings thought he was insane for getting engaged so soon. 

"I'm tired of being alone. What Antoinette and I have is stable. She will make a good partner and I can trust her." Klaus hated hearing his brother sound so defeated. 

"Do you love her?"

"Of course." 

"But you're not in love with her." Klaus realized as he processed his brother's words. Elijah remained silent, his thoughts drifting back to the woman who had shattered his heart. "I hate her, Elijah." Klaus's mind flashed back to the baby in Caroline's arms. The baby was clearly fairly young. Couldn't be more than a month. "Out of everything she did, I never thought she was capable of cheating."  

Elena, Caroline and Bonnie sat in the waiting room. 

"How is he?" Elena asked as Caroline rocked Hope in her arms. 

"He's okay. He was asleep when I was in there. He seems pretty banged up but Jo told me he was stable." Caroline explained to them. "He gave us quite the scare though." Caroline was thankful that Hope was laying comfortably in her arms rather than wailing. "After he wakes up I'm going to take her home, she needs to get some sleep." 

"So you and Stefan?" Bonnie asked in disbelief. "How long has that been going on?" 

"Oh, it hasn't. I mean we're living together and he's been taking care of us but we're not together." 

"But Jo said you were his fiance. And this little cutie didn't just magically poof into existence." Elena pointed out. Caroline slipped her ring back onto the finger it belonged.

"I wanted to see him and they were only letting his family in." She explained. "And this little cutie happens to be a Mikaelson."

Damon and Kol walked silently to the cafeteria.

"Looks like we're going to have to settle for coffee." Damon laughed lightly. Kol nodded and ordered five coffees, paying for them before Damon even realized. "How many do you need?"

"I got some for the girls." Kol rolled his eyes. "I'd get some for my brothers but I don't think caffeine mixes well with unbridled rage." Kol grabbed the drinks handing Damon one before taking the tray with the rest.

"What's your deal man? Why are you so calm about this? Didn't Bon screw you over?" Damon questioned as they headed back towards the waiting room.

"My brothers were caught off guard. I had a feeling Bekah was up to something when we got called to Dallas of all places." They were about to make it to the waiting room when Kol stopped, overhearing part of their conversation. 

"And this little cutie happens to be a Mikaelson." Caroline's words startled Kol. 

"Still after our money Caroline?" Kol questioned as he and Damon rejoined the group. He placed the tray of coffee on the table, taking one for himself. 

"Actually yeah! I impregnated myself with a turkey baster so I could trap Klaus for the rest of his life and make him pay child support for the child I never told him about! Get your head out of your ass Kol." Caroline grabbed one of the coffees. "Thanks." 

"You're welcome." Hope began to stir and whine in Caroline's arms so she handed the cup to Elena.

"You should take her home Care," Elena suggested. "We will call you if there's any news."

"I think you could both use some rest," Bonnie added. 

"I guess. It just feels weird leaving him here." Caroline glanced at the door. "He's been all I've had for the last like year. If something happens to him while I'm not here-" Elena and Bonnie exchanged looks, feeling guilty for leaving her 

"He'll be okay," Elena assured her. Caroline packed up her things, grabbed Hope's carrier from Stefan's room, and quickly said goodbye before they left. Elena and Damon started to chat after she left leaving Bonnie and Kol sitting in silence. Bonnie took a deep breath.

"Kol could we talk?" 


Caroline walked outside to find Klaus and Elijah sitting near the door. She wanted to introduce Klaus to his daughter more than anything. She worked up the courage and stood in front of them until they looked up at her. 


"I have nothing to say to you." Klaus spat at her. 

"Klaus, I'm so sorry for everything. I never meant to hurt you-"

"Never meant to hurt me? What exactly did you think was going to happen? You would trick me into falling in love with you, take half my money and we'd part ways as the best of friends?" Klaus was yelling at her and Caroline could sense Hope waking up. 


"Oh, and of course, you never meant to hurt me when you were fucking my best friend while pretending to be in love with me." 

"Wait what?" Caroline was completely stunned. All of Caroline's fear melted away, replaced by sheer confusion. "I haven't slept with anyone except you since we met." Caroline started to walk away when Klaus grabbed her arm.

"It's hard to believe you when you're holding someone else's child Caroline." He growled lowly. 

"Even harder to believe that she has your eyes." Caroline snapped as she yanked her arm away. 

"You've tricked me with enough of your lies!" 

"Niklaus, maybe you should hear her out," Elijah spoke calmly, his eyes drifting to the carrier that held his niece. 

"You can't be serious." Klaus blurted incredulously. 

"I'm not saying you have to believe her but this could be your child. Are you willing to risk that?" Elijah questioned. 

"I don't care if you believe me or not," Caroline stated firmly, causing both brothers to turn back to her. "I know you don't want any part of my life and I don't expect you to be part of hers either. Now I need to take my daughter home." Caroline walked away feeling proud. She couldn't believe she had just stood up for herself after everything. 

"How could you turn on me like that? Do you really think I should trust her after everything? Have you learned nothing?" 

"If that truly is your child she deserves to be with her family, far away from their manipulative ways." Klaus was surprised. Elena had messed up his brother more than he had thought. He couldn't let Caroline do the same to him. He couldn't let her turn him into his father.

"It seems we will be waiting for Bekah anyway. Maybe I should hear her out..." Klaus stood up, jogging lightly to catch up to Caroline who was placing Hope's carrier safely into the backseat. when she backed up to close the door she bumped into him, causing her to jump. "You win. Let's talk." 

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