25. The Call Heard Around the World

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After Rebekah had left without a word, Caroline sat in the rocking chair next to Hope's crib. She stared at Hope's sleeping face and thought about what Rebekah had said. She allowed herself to drift into a light sleep as she waited for Stefan to get back.

Caroline woke up to the sound of her ringtone. She was surprised to find that Stefan had still not come home. She found her phone on the couch where she had left it. Although she didn't recognize the number she answered.


"Is this Caroline Forbes?"


"Hello, Ms. Forbes, I am calling from the Presbyterian Hospital. I have you listed as the emergency contact for Stefan Salvatore." Caroline's blood felt cold as her mind ran through all the possibilities.

"Is he okay? What happened?"

"Mr. Salvatore has been in a car accident." Caroline tried to listen to the words, but she couldn't focus.

"I'll be there as soon as I can."



"Is this Elijah Mikaelson?"


"Who's that?" Kol asked as he leaned on the back of the couch. Elijah held his finger to his lips to silence his brother so he could focus on what the person was saying.

"I am calling because I have you listed as the emergency contact for Rebekah Mikaelson." Elijah tensed as the representative from the hospital briefly explained the situation.

"Thank you." Elijah hung up, and Kol frowned as he noticed his brother's concern.

"Elijah?" Elijah ignored Kol dialing a number on his phone.

"Can you have the jet ready? We will be there within the hour." He hung up as abruptly as he had called.

"Elijah, what's going on?"

"Our sister has been in an accident."


"Go pack your things. We are taking the jet to Dallas as soon as it's ready." Trying to stay focused, Elijah pushed past Kol to find Klaus. He was in his studio painting. Elijah burst into the room, which was rare. Elijah always respected his brother's space.

"What do you want?" Klaus asked, expecting his brother to still be upset about their former altercation.

"Niklaus, we have to go. Rebekah's been in a car accident. She's at a hospital in Dallas."

"Why in bloody hell was she in Dallas?" Klaus questioned as he stood up, heading toward the doorway.

"I'm not sure. I thought she had gone back to New York." Elijah shrugged. Kol had overheard his brothers and thought back to his last conversation with Rebekah. She hadn't been that stupid...had she?


Elena sat on Damon's bed, his arm draped over her waist. After he had been so great with Rebekah, Elena decided to give him a real chance. He was asleep on her stomach when his phone rang. Elena contemplated waking him up, but the number didn't have a contact, so she let it ring.

"Hello, this is Dallas Presbyterian Hospital calling for Damon Salvatore. We are calling on behalf of Stefan Salvatore. Please call us back as soon as possible. Thank you." Elena shook Damon awake as the message ended.

"Damon." She urged. He groaned, pulling her tighter into his arms. "No, Damon, something's wrong with Stefan." He woke up, seeming to be annoyed but also worried about his brother. He hadn't been super close with Stefan in years, but despite everything they had been through, it was his little brother.

Damon called the hospital back as Elena sat on the bed, hanging onto every word.

"Looks like I gotta go to Dallas. Stef's been in an accident." Damon informed her.

"When do we leave?"


A few hours earlier

Rebekah stood outside Caroline's apartment, waiting for Stefan to come back. When he pulled up, he was surprised to find her outside.

"Get sick of her already?" Stefan teased.

"Can I borrow your car?"

"Uh, why?"

"It's hard to explain, but I will buy you a new one."

"A new one? Why would I need a new car?" Rebekah was tapping her foot and fidgeting with her hands.

"If I tell you, you'll try to stop me."

"Like that's going to convince me to let you take my keys." Stefan scoffed. "Come on, Bekah, just tell me the truth."

"I'm going to crash it."


"If I get into a car accident, it will bring my brothers here, and Caroline will have a chance to tell Klaus the truth. If I'm lucky, I'll convince Elena and Bonnie to come too."

"That's crazy."

"I know, but the only way I figured I could get everyone together was a funeral or the hospital. And unless you'd rather me drop dead."

"There has to be another way. Why don't you just let things run their course?"

"The longer I wait, the longer my brother misses out on his child. The longer my family remains unwhole." Stefan could see the desperation in Rebekah's eyes, and he knew there was no way to talk her out of this.

"What if I just call them and lie? Tell them you've been in an accident and they need to rush over right away."

"As soon as they realize it's fake, they'll leave. I need them to talk."

"Are you really willing to risk your life so your brothers will talk to their exes?"

"I'm willing to do anything for my brothers' happiness."

"Fine. But I'm driving."

"No way." She protested.

"I know the roads here better. Plus, the hospital will alert your brothers and maybe me or Caroline, but there's no way they would call Elena or Bonnie. If I'm in the accident with you, they'll alert my brother. He's with Elena and Bonnie, and chances are they'll all fly over. And there's no way I'm letting you do this alone." She had to admit his reasoning was solid.

"What about Caroline and the baby?"

"Nothing serious is going to happen. It'll give her a scare, but if you are right, she'll be reunited with the father of her child."

Stefan brought the stuff he had bought up to Caroline before telling her he promised to take Rebekah to the airport. He met her back outside, and they got into his car.

"Last chance to back out." She pointed out as he started the car.

"We're in this together. For Caroline."

"For my brothers," Rebekah added.

"For Hope."

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