26. What Happens in Dallas...

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Caroline was the first to make it to the hospital. She had not been allowed to see Stefan which left her pacing in the waiting room, a wailing baby in her arms. She rocked Hope, trying to calm her down but was sure her daughter could sense her stress.

She caught a doctor walking out of his room.

"Excuse me!" Caroline called after her. The doctor turned around and Caroline was surprised at how familiar she was.

"Dr. Laughlin?" Caroline recognized her from Mystic Falls. She had helped treat her mother when she had cancer.

"I haven't heard that name in a while. Caroline, it's good to see you." She said as she stopped. As she turned around, Caroline could read her name tag. Dr. Saltzman. "How are you?"

"I've been better. Not exactly here because I like hospitals." She joked weakly. "How is Stefan?"

"He's okay but I can't share any details unless it's with his family." She gave Caroline a sympathetic look.

"I am family. He's the father of my child." She lied. "We're engaged." She added showing off her ring. Caroline knew it was a long shot but Jo had no reason to doubt her.

"He has a few broken ribs and a concussion. We have a few tests to run to make sure there's no internal bleeding. "

"So he's going to be okay? Can I go see him?"

"I'll see what I can do." Dr. Saltzman walked away to pull some strings for her.

Caroline waited for Jo to return. In the distance, she heard a voice she hadn't heard in months. She cradled Hope close to her chest as she walked closer to where the sound was coming from.

There was no way he was here. He couldn't be.

"Caroline?" She turned around and pulled away from her curiosity. "I can take you to see him now."


Elijah stormed into the hospital with Klaus and Kol following close behind him.

"Where is Rebekah Mikaelson?" He asked sternly.

"I'm sorry?"

"Our sister. Rebekah Mikaelson." Klaus added, the same demanding tone as his brother.

"I'm sorry, Ma'am. My brothers are just concerned about our dear sister. We've been told she was in an accident." Kol's tone was much calmer as he smooth-talked the receptionist. "If you have any information we would be eternally grateful."

"We don't have time for this-" Klaus growled but he was cut off.

"She's in room 211." She pointed them in the right direction.

"Thanks, darling." Kol winked. Elijah grabbed his collar and dragged him toward the elevator.

When they got upstairs Elijah led them to Rebekah's room.

"Excuse me, you can't go in there." Dr. Saltzman stopped them.

"That's our sister's room."

"Your sister is not allowed visitors right now." The doctor informed them.

"I don't really care what you think is allowed. We are going to see our sister." Elijah snapped.

"Once she is allowed visitors, I will make sure you are the first to know. Until then, you have to wait in the waiting room."

"Jo?" The doctor's attention was drawn to Damon as he said her name. The brothers followed her gaze to a man they hadn't met standing with two women they were all too familiar with. By the looks on their faces, it seemed the hospital was haunted. For a moment, no one said a word. The air surrounding them became hard to breathe. Finally, Damon spoke. "Where's my brother?"

Elena had let go of Damon's hand the moment her eyes landed on Elijah but he had seen. The ache in his heart was crying for his attention but he tried to stay focused on his sister.

Kol and Bonnie locked eyes, neither wanting to look away. Kol had to admit she looked good. He couldn't believe Rebekah had actually managed to get them all in a room together.

"He's in there with his fiancé," Jo informed them.

"Fiance?" Damon questioned.

"Caroline." At the mention of her name, Klaus's entire body tensed. It was bad enough that he was face to face with the women who broke his brothers' hearts, now he was going to see Caroline engaged to his former best friend. He felt sick.

"Can we go see him?"

"He's not supposed to have any visitors. If you wait here I'll go see what else I can find out about him," she turned to the three brothers, not noticing how shaken they were. "And your sister." Jo walked away leaving the six of them standing there. In silence. Just staring at each other.

"We should go sit down." Damon cleared his throat.

"You shouldn't be here." Elijah spat his tone like venom slicing through Elena.

"She's not here for you." Damon snapped, rolling his eyes at the other man. Damon stepped protectively in front of Elena, grabbing her hand in the process. Elijah stepped closer, challenging him.

"You know it's a good thing we're already at a hospital." Elijah's voice was low and threatening.

"He's not worth it, Elijah. None of them are." Kol scoffed, placing a hand on his shoulder. 

"Who knew Kol was the mature one," Bonnie muttered under her breath. Before anyone could stop it Bonnie was pushed up against the wall, Klaus's arm pushing into her windpipe.

"Watch your mouth." Kol grabbed his brother's arm and yanked him off, placing himself between the two. He could feel Bonnie's breath on his arm, sending chills shooting through him. 

"Nik," Kol warned. He glanced around, silently gesturing at the people that were now staring at them. Klaus backed away. They all stood frozen, tension pulsing through them when a door opened.

"Klaus?" Caroline's voice barely came out but it was enough to attract all of their attention. When they all turned they were left in shock. In her arms was the most beautiful baby girl. 

The moment Klaus laid eyes on the baby in her arms he felt suffocated. Despite everything a small part of him had believed she loved him anyway. Now she was engaged to another man, holding their baby. Had she been with Stefan the whole time? Had they both been lying to him about everything? The whole thing made him sick. He couldn't breathe. He started walking not listening to his brother calling behind him. 

"Go," Kol told Elijah. "I'll call you if we hear anything." Elijah glared at Elena one last time before heading after his brother, leaving Kol with the others. He realized how close he was still standing to Bonnie and he stepped away. 

"Care!" With Elijah gone Elena slightly relaxed. She and Bonnie rushed over to Caroline. "Who is this?" 

"This is Hope." Caroline introduced. 

"Can I hold her?" Bonnie cooed. Caroline placed Hope gently in Bonnie's arms. Kol watched as Bonnie rocked Hope in her arms. 

"I need a drink." He sighed, running a hand through his hair. Damon watched as Elena and Bonnie fawned over the baby. 

"Me too." He chuckled when he noticed the look in Elena's eyes. Kol wasn't sure what had come over him but he turned to Damon. 

"Come on."

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