23. What Are Your Intentions?

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Rebekah sat at the Mystic Grill waiting for everyone to arrive. Bonnie and Elena showed up followed by two men. Rebekah waved them over to the booth. 

"Bekah, this is Damon-"

"Damon Salvatore." Rebekah studied him noticing the similarities to his brother. "Nice to meet you." She smiled politely. 

"And this is Kai." Bonnie introduced. Rebekah turned to the man surprised at the familiarity. 

"Have we met before?" She wondered aloud. He shook his head as he shook her hand.

"I just have one of those faces." He joked. "Maybe you've met my twin sister." 

"Maybe." They all sat down at the booth. "Will Matt be joining us?" Rebekah asked, noticing the sheriff's absence. 

"He said he would join after his shift, he probably just got caught up with some paperwork," Elena explained. 

"So Damon, how long have you been seeing Elena?" Rebekah questioned, hoping they wouldn't figure out why she was prying.

"Only a few weeks." Elena had shown up on Damon's doorstep, begging him to help her. He wasn't sure why he agreed, perhaps just the chance to spend time with her. 

"How did you two meet?"

"Bonnie introduced us. She and I met while travelling." Damon explained, glancing at Elena out of the corner of his eye. 

"Did you hit it off right away?" 

"Bekah," Elena warned. 

"Sorry, I'm late!" Matt slid into the table, across from Rebekah. 

"Looks like the Sheriff arrived just in time for the interrogation." Damon scoffed turning back to the blonde. "For the record, I wanted to be with Elena the moment I met her." 

"I see I've joined a fun conversation." Matt chuckled, trying to brush off the tension. 

"I'm just trying to make sure these gentlemen are good enough for my sisters." Rebekah sighed. Elena and Bonnie both melted at Rebekah's words. "I know we aren't actually sisters anymore but-"

"We get it." Bonnie smiled warmly. 

"Why don't we go play a round of pool or something?" Matt suggested. Everyone chimed in with signs of their agreement so he led them over to a table. 

"I'm going to grab a drink, anyone want anything?" Damon offered. 

"I'll go with you." Bonnie parted from Kai, following Damon to the bar. Elena chatted with Matt leaving Rebekah to get to know Kai. 

"I can't shake the feeling that we've met before." Rebekah insisted as she and Kai watched Elena and Matt argue about who should start. "Have you ever been to Chicago?" 

"I don't think so." Rebekah continued to study Kai from afar as he excused himself. Elena joined Rebekah as Damon and Bonnie returned to the group with drinks in hand. Bonnie handed Matt a beer after he finished his shot. 

"Thanks, Bon." 

"How did you meet Kai?" Rebekah asked Bonnie. She ignored the side-eye she was receiving from Damon and Elena.

"Travelling. His sister is married to our old high school teacher." Bonnie was sure that probably made her situation more confusing. "After everything, I had been travelling the world and I ran into Alaric who was travelling with Kai and Damon. Then the three of us continued on until we eventually came back here." 

"I won!" Elena cheered as Damon twirled her around. She owed him big time for playing the boyfriend part so well.

"Why don't we play teams this time?" Matt suggested. Bonnie, Kai and Damon teamed up leaving Elena, Matt and Rebekah together. 

"I've never really played pool before." Rebekah laughed nervously. 

"Matt will show you." Damon clapped his hand on Matt's shoulder. 

"Sure." They set up the table and Matt brought Rebekah to the end so she could break. He demonstrated the technique before watching her struggle. Matt tried everything in his power to avoid trying the cool-guy move but eventually, he ended up standing behind her and guiding her shot. 

"If you just do that every time then I'll be fine." Rebekah flirted. 

"I'm sure you'll get the hang of it. It just takes practice." He told her cheerfully, shutting down any attempts she made to hit on him. As the game continued, Rebekah turned her attention back to Damon and Kai. She was determined to figure out if they were meant to be together. 

"So Damon, you know Elena was recently engaged. Are you interested in settling down any time soon?" Damon rolled his eyes as Rebekah started questioning his relationship. He couldn't wait to collect his favour from Elena because it was going to be a big one. 

"We're taking things slow. She did just get out of a serious relationship and I didn't want to be a rebound. I could see myself settling down with Elena someday but not yet." Damon explained.

"What about you? Are you serious about Bonnie?" Rebekah asked Kai. 

"Bonnie is everything to me. I would give the world for her." 

"I was thinking of taking them on a little girls' trip. Is that something that would bother you?"

"Of course not. They are grown women and they can do whatever they want." Kai answered with a bit of annoyance. Damon nodded in agreement. 

"I'm so glad you said that."

After a few hours of questions, Rebekah pulled Bonnie and Elena aside. 

"I have an early flight so I should head out. I was hoping you would maybe reconsider joining me." Elena and Bonnie exchanged knowing glances before turning back to Rebekah. 

"It was really good to see you Bekah." Bonnie pulled her into a tight embrace. "Have a safe trip."

"I'm sorry." Elena joined the pair in a hug before Rebekah left. 

The next morning she found herself on another plane, hoping her second attempt would go better than the first. One way or another she was going to get them all together. 

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