5. Lunch Break

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Stefan showed up right on time to pick up Caroline for her appointment. She slipped into his car and turned on the heated seat, enjoying the way it soothed the pain in her back.

"You should have stayed at work." Caroline pouted stubbornly.

"I'm on my lunch break, Care. Chances are I wouldn't have stayed at work anyway."

"What if you're late getting back? Will your boss be mad?"

"Care, the shop lets me come and go as I please. Don't worry so much." Stefan sighed, lightly squeezing Caroline's knee in an attempt to comfort her. "Are you nervous?"

"To find out if I'm having a mini-Klaus? Wouldn't you be?"

"Fair point. But there's a chance you're having a mini Caroline and that's the greatest gift you could give this world."

"Oh shut up." She groaned at his attempt to be sappy. "I have to pee." She mumbled and he rolled his eyes at her.

"We're almost there." He pointed out and she sighed, leaning back again. She glanced down before looking back at Stefan, silently trying to persuade him. "We're not stopping."

"I'm sorry." She bit her lip and stared out the car window.

"Stop apologizing to me." He shook his head as her turned the corner, the hospital now in sight.

"I just feel bad for putting you in this situation."

"I know. But you don't have to. You didn't put me in this situation, I chose to go through this with you. I'm by your side through this by choice Caroline." He assured her for perhaps the millionth time during her pregnancy.

"I don't deserve you." She wondered what would have happened if she had met him differently. If they had run into each other in a bar, no Mikaelsons to be found. If they had become friends without the secret looming over their heads. Caroline assumed he would probably have fallen madly in love with Elena but there was a small part of her who believed that maybe, just maybe he would have chosen her. Maybe they would have had a June wedding.

That was another life though. In this one they were faithful companions, both hung up on people from their pasts. Maybe in that other life, she would be carrying his child instead of Klaus'.

Caroline was thankful to have a small part of Klaus in her life but she was also terrified about the constant reminder of what she had done to the man she loved.

After they parked, Stefan moved around the car to help Caroline out of it. She held onto him as he helped support her weight.

"So, I'm thinking if it's a boy, Stefan. If it's a girl, Stephanie." Caroline laughed at his suggestion.

"I'll put that at the top of the list." She teased.

"Good." He smirked proudly. "Have you thought about his last name yet?"


"The baby. Is he a Mikaelson? Or a Forbes?" Stefan wondered. "Maybe even a Salvatore."

"I haven't really thought about it." They sat down in the waiting room as Caroline thought about his question. "Definitely a Forbes. But should I include Klaus' name? It seems wrong to do that without telling him. But it also seems wrong not to." Caroline began to spiral within her own thoughts until Stefan grabbed her hand.

"Didn't you have to go pee?" She gasped as he reminded her, sending her waddling to the bathroom.

As she washed her hands, Caroline looked at herself in the mirror. She was exhausted. As she studied her features, she wondered which of them her baby might have.

Klaus had been in and out of meetings for a week trying to make up for the months since Elijah had left. He knew his father had gone into the office a few times but not nearly enough to run things properly. As much as he wanted to help his family and make sure the company stayed afloat, he was drowning in paperwork. Elijah made it seem so effortless.

Klaus missed his old life. He hadn't painted in months. He missed having the freedom to do what he pleased. He never had to worry about their family fortune slipping away. He missed having his own place. He missed going to the bars with Stefan and laughing until the sun came up. As much as he hated to admit it, more than anything he missed Caroline.

He sat at his desk skimming through a file, the words starting to blur together. He felt a pair of hands slide over his shoulders and he closed his eyes.

"Do you have time for a lunch break?" Camille asked as she leaned over his shoulder. He turned in his chair. She placed her hands on either side of his face, gently rubbing her thumbs across the dark circles under his eyes. "You definitely need to get out of here."

"Camille, I don't have time. I'm months behind on this work and it just keeps piling up and-"

"I don't care. It's a jailbreak. Come on." She grabbed his hand and dragged him out of the office, taking advantage of the fact that he was too tired to fight back.

She looped her arm through his as they walked the streets of New Orleans, finding the nearest restaurant.

"Have you thought about asking Kol to help you?" Cami suggested as they picked away at their food. Klaus gave her a look and she sighed. "I know, but this is killing you."

"I fear Kol would only make things worse."

"Okay, what about one of your other siblings? Rebekah knows how to run a business. Or Finn, he seems qualified."

"Rebekah is still on her crusade to find Elijah and Finn can't leave Sage while she's pregnant." Klaus countered.

"Okay, what about trusting Marcel with more responsibility? You know him and he's a capable leader." She knew trust was hard for Klaus especially after everything that had happened with his ex.

"Marcel is not a Mikaelson. While he is an important part of the company, he does not have the obligation to protect our name. Plus his complicated relationship with my sister has made him unpredictable." Cami frowned as she was left without further suggestions.

"Okay, fine. But you have to take it easy. Why don't you leave a bit early tomorrow and we go somewhere? Just the two of us, away from work and your idiot brother. We can even just stay at my place if you want." She squeezed his hand across the table.

"I can't."


"I have to get back to work." He left a hundred-dollar bill on the table and left the restaurant leaving Cami dumbfounded, sitting at their table alone. She finished eating, ignoring the weird looks from people who noticed him leave. She pulled out her phone and found a number she had yet to use. She dialled the number and held the phone to her ear.


"Rebekah? Hi. I need your help."

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