31. The Hidden Truth

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A few weeks after Rebekah was released from the hospital, Klaus found himself staring at an envelope. He couldn't bring himself to open it as he knew what was inside could change his life.

"Whatcha got there?" Camille leaned over his shoulder wrapping his arms around his neck.

"The results of the paternity test." She pulled back surprised by his answer.

"Paternity test?" She chuckled. "I didn't know we were expecting." When she looked at his face the seriousness of the situation weighed on her. "Klaus-"

"Caroline has a daughter." Camille sat down across from him at the kitchen table allowing the news to sink in.

"How long have you known?"

"Since Dallas." He admitted, waiting for her to lash out at him for not telling her. Instead, Camille remained silent. "I know I should have told you." He sighed.

"Why didn't you?" Camille wasn't accusing him or ridiculing him. He wondered if she might be psycho analyzing him but he owed her answers either way. "You told me about seeing Caroline and yet you neglected to mention you might have a child."

"I didn't want to believe it. And if what's in this envelope confirms my suspicions, it would have just caused you unnecessary stress."

"Sure. Let's go with that." She shook her head at him. "Opening that envelope isn't going to change the truth." She pointed out. Klaus knew she was right. He stared at the envelope.

"What if I have a child? What if I missed months of my daughter's life?" As soon as the words were out of his mouth he realized what he was really afraid of. "I don't want to be like my father." Cami reached across the table and placed her hand on his wrist.

"Why don't we crack it open and then decide what to do next?" Klaus didn't even need to open the envelope to know what it said. But he did. The words stared back at him and his heart started racing.

"I have a daughter." He mumbled under his breath. "I have a daughter." He repeated louder. Camille smiled when she noticed the joy in his eyes.

"Congratulations." She squeezed his hand.

"Cami I-" He felt guilty. She had supported him for so long and now he was going to abandon her.

"I know. You have to go to her. I understand." She moved around the table and pulled him into a hug. He buried his face into her shoulder and she held him.

"This doesn't have to be the end for us." He insisted but she shook her head.

"Yes, it does." Cami sighed. "I know you still love her, and for the whole co-parenting thing to work you are going to have to learn to trust her again."


"Give her a chance. If things really aren't meant to be you can come back to New Orleans and we'll give it another shot." She kissed his cheek and he stared at her blankly.

"I can't believe you're sending me off into the arms of another woman."

"What can I say, I'm a romantic." He shook his head at her.

"I'm sorry, Camille." He kissed her one last time, both knowing it meant goodbye. "Thank you."

Ever since the hospital Bonnie found herself thinking about what Jo had said to Elena. She had tried to bring it up but Kai just muttered something about his sister never listening to him. She felt bad for doubting him but her gut was telling her something was wrong. He had been acting dodgy since she had gotten back from Dallas.

"Hey, Bon, Damon and I are going to run to the grill, want to join?" Kai asked, popping his head into the room.

"No, I'm just going to get some reading done. Elena called me out for not reading her newest book." She lied. Kai entered the room and kissed her forehead.

"Maybe I'll join you when I get back." He grinned playfully and she poked his side.

"Have fun." He left as quickly as he came in and she waited until she heard the front door close. She stood up and watched them drive away. When they were out of sight she snuck into the room Kai had been staying in. Even though they spent most nights together, Damon had provided them both with their own guest room.

She found his suitcase that remained packed and started to search for any signs that he knew Katherine. She checked the drawers of the desk in the room but found nothing. There was a box sitting in the closet that intrigued her. She stared at the box and doubts flooded in. She pulled out her phone and called Elena.

"I've gone crazy." She announced as she sat on the floor in front of the box.

"What?" Elena's voice came from the other end.

"I've resorted to snooping through his things."

"Is this about Kai? Did you find anything?"

"Just a box. I haven't looked inside yet it feels like I'd be crossing a line."

"At this point, I think you've already crossed the line. At least if you don't find anything you know you were worried for nothing. Kai never has to know." Elena pointed out. Bonnie took a deep breath and leaned forward to carefully open the box. She gasped when she saw what was inside. "What did you find?" Bonnie remained silent as she pulled a small black box out of the bigger box. She clicked it open and her eyes widened. "Bonnie?"

"It's a ring." She breathed out. "This is why he's been acting weird lately."

"What about Jo-"

"But it's way too soon."

"Bonnie don't forget-"

"There's no way he's going to ask me to marry him. But what if he does?" She heard a car door slam outside and she snapped back to reality. She closed the ring box and put it back where she found it. She darted back to her room as she heard the front door open.

"Honey I'm home!" Damon's voice echoed through the house. Before long Kai was standing in her doorway holding a bag from the Mystic Grill.

"We decided to get takeout." He grinned. When Bonnie looked at him she felt giddy. Kai wanted to marry her. Even if she thought it was too soon, it was endearing and meant that he saw a future with her, even after hearing everything about her past.

Bonnie stood up and threw her arms around him, pulling him into a heated kiss. He wrapped his free arm around her waist. When she pulled away, they were both breathless.

"It seems I should bring food home more often." He teased as she smiled at him.

"That you should." She grinned, even though she knew the real reason. "So what did you bring?"

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