4. Spotted

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Rebekah stood at the back of the bar, listening to the piano float through the atmosphere. It was a familiar melody to her; over the years she had a strong understanding of her brother's pain.

When the song was over, Elijah went to the counter, sliding into a barstool before ordering himself a drink. He could feel a pair of eyes burning a hole through his head but couldn't trace the feeling to the owner of the stare. At the sound of heels clicking on the stone floor, Elijah perked up as an arm draped around his shoulders.

"You were wonderful up there." the woman spoke delicately and her smile was enchanting. Rebekah watched from afar as the dark-haired beauty leaned down and kissed her brother. She was shocked, to say the least. She hadn't been expecting her brother to move on so quickly after Elena but by the look on the couple's faces, they were quite serious.

She wondered what else had changed in his life since she had seen him. He had clearly left his suits behind and by the cheap drink in his glass, she could tell he had distanced himself from their family fortune.

"All thanks to my muse." He replied, the same lovely tone coating his sweet words.

"Good show up there, Smith." The bartender commented, setting down a glass in front of the woman before she could even order. "I think you have a fan," he added, nodding his head to where the blonde had been lingering. As Rebekah caught sight of the gesture, she ducked behind a group, hoping she hadn't been discovered. "A blonde. She came by earlier asking for you. Had a picture and everything."

"A blonde?" Elijah frowned at his partner who looked just as confused as he was. Rebekah backed away, slipping out of the bar before he saw her. Elijah caught sight of the blonde as she made it through the door and he couldn't believe his eyes. He ran to catch up but by the time he got outside she was gone.

Rebekah leaned back against the seat of the cab as she made her way back to her hotel. A part of her was wondering if she should have talked to him. After seeing the woman she had gotten spooked, not wanting to screw up things for her brother and whatever life he had built for himself. Still, she wondered if she had made a mistake.

Bonnie rolled her eyes as Kai took what felt like the hundredth selfie since they had landed in Greece. Damon held his hand up in front of his face and Bonnie was sure they could make an entire album of pictures like this in every city they had gone.

"We should get a picture together, Bon." Kai grinned, handing his phone to Damon who scoffed.

"I think we have enough pictures together." She protested but his arm was already wrapped around her shoulders. She leaned into him and smiled. He held onto her a few seconds too long after Damon finished taking their picture.

"I like the way your hand feels on my chest." He smiled before she pulled away.

"There's something not right about you," Bonnie muttered, shaking her head.

"You're just not used to guys hitting on you," Damon pointed out earning an elbow to the ribs.

"You know I can't wait to get home and talk to anybody else," Bonnie grumbled, pushing past the two men she was stuck with to join the crowd of people dancing on the beach. They followed her lead, immediately disrupting any chance of a Greek Adonis taking her home.

Bonnie was ready to go home but she wasn't ready to face her mistakes. Travelling the world had kept her from having to confront what had happened with Kol. Now that they were getting to the end of their trip, she had started remembering all the reasons she had fled.

"Please Bonbon, you know you're going to miss this." Damon teased and Bonnie shook her head though she knew he was probably right. Although, she desperately missed Caroline and Elena. Elena had been radio silent since the night of the engagement party and while Caroline and Bonnie kept in touch at first, they had both gotten too busy with travelling to maintain steady conversations. Before Bonnie could respond, Damon had disappeared to go after his conquest of the day. She cringed at the way the woman swooned. Sure Damon was gorgeous with chiselled abs and pretty eyes but once he opened his mouth it was impossible to be attracted to him.

"What's on your mind?" Kai asked as the two of them were left alone.

"Trying to figure out what she sees in him." She shrugged with a laugh but Kai didn't seem convinced.

"Not that." Kai turned to look at her. "You seem hesitant to go home."

"When you've been to paradise, real life is hardly exciting." She answered vaguely, trying not to give him too many details about what would be waiting for her back home.

"Maybe you can take some of the paradise with you..." Bonnie furrowed her brows, unsure of what he was suggesting.

"Like what put sand in a bottle? Take a seashell?"

"Not exactly what I had in mind." He sighed. They watched Damon walk away with a pretty redhead. Bonnie turned back to Kai, suddenly realizing how close they were to each other. She was breathing his air as he looked down at her, instinctively reaching for her cheek. She looked into his eyes and for once didn't feel like he was hiding something from her. "Bonnie I-" They were so close she felt as though she could taste his words in her mouth. The colourful lights and the pounding bass of the music were drowned out, all her senses focused on him. She felt like she was experiencing Kai for the first time. She closed the distance, kissing him with enough passion to make up for the months she had spent alone. Without Kol. She pulled back abruptly, reality ruining the moment.

"I'm sorry, I can't." Bonnie backed away, pushing through the crowd until she was lost among the swaying bodies.

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