17. Our Family's Hope

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"Kol!" Rebekah called out as she walked into her brother's place. Klaus followed her in, not bothering to announce his presence. 

"Bekah! Thank god." He yelled back before descending the stairs. "There's another one. She's moved on from the cop and is apparently seeing a rich man. A Salvatore! I bet he knows Stefan!" 

"What? Kol maybe we should discuss this later." 

"By then she'll probably be on to someone else!" Kol exclaimed. 

"Who will be?" Elijah wondered as he stepped inside. Kol froze, shocked at the presence of his elder brother. 

"Elijah!" Kol nearly tackled his brother in a hug, not noticing the woman who stood behind him. "You're back! I can't believe Rebekah actually convinced you to come back." He chuckled. 

"I have been gone far too long," Elijah said simply. "Kol there is someone I'd like you to meet." Kol finally noticed the woman behind Elijah and studied her causing her to hold on tighter to Elijah. "This is Antoinette, my fiancee."

"Another one?"

"Kol," Elijah warned. 

"Nice to meet you, Antoinette." He mumbled shaking her hand.

"Nice to meet you too." She smiled politely. 

"So who were you talking about?" Elijah wondered. 

"It's not important." Rebekah insisted. "Besides, we need to get ready. The reporters will be here soon."

"Reporters?" Elijah crossed his arms. "I haven't even been back a full day yet."

"I know, I arranged it on the flight. We have been in the tabloids since you ran off. Our parents have decided it would be good for us to show we are a united front after everything that happened. It will be good for business." Rebekah explained, sensing the distaste from all three of her brothers. "I have invited Camille over as well." Klaus glared at her. 

"Why would you do that?" He growled. Things with Camille had been tense after she tricked him into going to France. 

"Because you standing with her will show that we are stronger than what happened." 

"Does that mean Marcellus will be joining us?" Kol questioned.

"No, he is still in New York and we are not together." Rebekah pointed out. "Antoinette, you will come with me so we can get you some proper attire." 

"Why does she do this?" Elijah grumbled as his fiancee disappeared with his sister.

"She has a point." Kol shrugged, shocking his elder brothers. "This family has been divided since everything that happens. Our business has been plummeting because people think we're weak. We have been in an extremely vulnerable state and if people keep thinking we are weak they will try to take advantage of us." Elijah and Klaus stared at their brother, completely stunned.

"Since when do you know about the business?" Elijah questioned. His brother had never taken an interest in his work before.

"Who did you think was running it after Elijah left? Before you decided to step up? Marcellus? He's not even a Mikaelson." Kol rolled his eyes at his brothers. 

"Well if you and Rebekah both think this is what's best for our family then fine. We have an address to prepare for." The three Mikaelsons went their separate ways to change for their interview. Once the reporters arrived they all reconvened in the main sitting room, displaying a united front.

Caroline laid back on the couch watching the end of an episode of some trashy reality tv. Stefan was in the other room grabbing them something to eat. 

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