35. The Moment You've Waited For

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"Damon, what are you doing?" Elena was shaking as he towered over her. 

"I know you've figured it out," Damon informed her. His voice was chilling, and Elena could feel herself trembling. "If I let you go to Bonnie, you'll ruin everything more than you already have." He reached down and grabbed the phone out of her hand. 

"So what, you're kidnapping me now?" She crossed her arms, trying to be defiant. 

"Yeah, I'll lock you in the wine cellar until they tie the knot." Damon scoffed. Elena gulped, wondering if he was serious. "You're just going to stay here until they get back." His tone was menacing behind the familiarity. Elena didn't know how dangerous he was. 

"What if I don't?" She challenged. Damon leaned in uncomfortably close. Elena's heart was racing.

"Well, then I'd have to kill you." She wanted to scream, but she feared that would make it worse. Tears were welling in her eyes as she tried to keep her calm. "Relax." He backed away from her, giving her space to move. "I'm not going to hurt you."

"I don't think I believe you." Elena contemplated her options, but the moment her eyes drifted, Damon caught on. He grabbed her arm and dragged her to his room. "Why are you doing this? Katherine broke your heart!" 

"You know, you were in my situation not that long ago." He pointed out. Elena knew she wouldn't have gone this far. But maybe the whole situation was karma coming to get her. Did she deserve this?

Kol wasn't sure why he had followed Elijah onto the plane. His brother was crazy to just drop everything and fly off (again). But for some reason, Kol was actually rooting for Elena and his brother. After everything they had all been through, seeing how his brother yearned for the woman reminded him how it felt to be in love. It was also a nice distraction from Davina's wedding. 

Klaus was putting Hope in her crib when Caroline got home from a dinner meeting with her clients. She watched him say goodnight to his daughter before closing the nursery door. 

"Where have you been?" Klaus scolded as she kicked off her shoes. 

"I had a meeting." She reminded him, confused at why he was acting that way. Klaus started picking up dishes from around the room and placing them in the sink as he reprimanded her.

"You were supposed to be back hours ago." They had been staying together for a while now, and the tension was undeniable, but this was the first time he had gotten mad at her. For the most part, they focused on Hope or went their separate ways. 

"We lost track of time." Caroline shrugged.

"You should have called." He spat. 

"Since when do you care?" She scoffed, crossing her arms. 

"I've always cared about you, Caroline." 

"Could've fooled me." She snapped back.

"You were the one who betrayed me. You don't get to act like I didn't care about you." He growled at her. Normally, Caroline would back down, but she was tired of having the same fight with him. 

"I made a mistake. If you cared, you would have forgiven me by now!" She whipped around to go into her room when his voice boomed from behind her.

"Don't turn your back on me!" 

"I should have turned my back on you ages ago!" She shot back at him, moving closer to him as she spoke. They both froze, glaring at each other mere inches apart. Then suddenly the distance between them was gone.  They grabbed onto each other, desperate for the connection they had both been missing. Klaus's lips trailed down her neck, and she could feel his teeth grazing against her skin. Her nails dug into his back as she pulled his shirt over his head. His hands drifted to the bottom of her dress and pushed it up over her thighs. He picked her up, and her legs wrapped around him as she explored his mouth. He carried her to her room and laid her on the bed. She propped herself up on her elbows, and he was breathless. She was always beautiful but lying in front of him, waiting for his touch she was practically irresistible. 

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