13. A Mystical Reunion

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"Who was that?" Bonnie had been stunned by the call and had barely registered Kai's question. 

"No one important." She lied. Kai nodded, unconvinced before leaning against the window, hoping to sleep through the rest of the drive. When they finally pulled up to the bus station in Mystic Falls, Bonnie was still lost in her thoughts about the phone call. 

Bonnie followed Damon off the bus with Kai trailing behind her. The three travel companions stood with their bags, not sure how to proceed. The plan had always been to return to Mystic Falls but they never really figured out what that would mean. Damon had inherited a house there from his uncle Zach and Bonnie could stay with her father but she didn't feel right just infringing upon his life. Kai hadn't ever mentioned his plans to them so Bonnie was completely unsure of where he would go. 

"So..." Bonnie began. 

"Is this where we go our separate ways?" Damon wondered giving a knowing look to his two travel buddies. He had noticed Bonnie dozing off on Kai's shoulder after they had switched places. He noticed the way they smiled at each other the whole trip. 

"I guess." Bonnie shrugged but she did not sound convinced. 

"That's too bad. I was going to let you guys crash with me but since you are so sick of spending time with us..." Damon teased with a knowing smirk. 

"Are you serious?" Bonnie gasped, surprised by his offer.

"You really think I'd leave you on the streets, Bon?" 


"After everything we've been through." He sighed dramatically.

"You have been spending too much time with Kai." Bonnie rolled her eyes at Damon's dramaticism. 

"Jealous Bon?" He grinned. Kai wrapped an arm around Bonnie's shoulders, pulling her into his side. 

"I guess we'll just have to spend some more time together." Kai kissed her temple and she was surprised at how sweet he was to her. 

"Gross." Damon cringed. "Now come on lovebirds, I need a drink." 

It didn't take long for the trio to settle into the Salvatore boarding house. The house was bigger than Bonnie had been expecting. The house was large enough for each of them to have their own rooms with enough space that they would all have plenty of privacy. After they had unpacked Bonnie convinced them to go get food. She had been dying to go to the Mystic Grill since they had first mentioned Mystic Falls. Even though it had changed, it felt like home. 

Elena couldn't believe her eyes. Matt was working again and since she had just moved in she figured it wouldn't be very polite to burn down his place. Instead of cooking, she found herself going to get takeout from the Mystic Grill. She had expected to be in and out, not enjoying being out in public more than she had to. That was until she saw a ghost. 

"Bonnie?" Bonnie looked up from her table. Her jaw dropped and after a moment of processing, she stood up and threw her arms around her best friend. The two women held onto each other tightly. Elena had been so alone since everything had happened and while Matt had been a great friend to her, she had missed the comfort of Bonnie and Caroline. "What are you doing here?" Elena asked as they pulled away. 

"We just got back to Mystic Falls. Couldn't travel the world forever." Bonnie chuckled, though Elena could sense the sadness underlying her words. "I didn't know you were living here!" 

"I moved in with Jenna after everything had happened. Now I'm actually staying with Matt." 

"You're living with Matt Donovan? How did that happen? Are you guys together?" 

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