15. Elijah

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"It's true." Elijah frowned, pulling away from Elena to get a better look at her guilt-ridden face.

"What?" Elijah waited for her to explain but she remained silent."What are you saying?"

"Everything Katherine was saying is true. Bonnie, Caroline, and I grew up together. Katherine came up to us and asked us to help her in exchange for millions of dollars-" Elijah backed away feeling sick to his stomach at the betrayal. "But we backed out. As soon as I got to know you, I fell in love with you and-"

"I've heard enough." Elijah spat bitterly.

"Elijah-" Rebekah began but Elijah flashed her a glare so harsh she did not dare to say another word.

"You will leave now. All of you. I shall inform my brothers of the reason for your sudden departure." His eyes drifted to Elena's friends before landing back on her.

"Elijah please-" Elena tried.

"Now." He snapped, his voice rising along with his temper. Elena flinched and Elijah would have felt bad if he wasn't so blinded by rage and heartache.

"Elijah please we have to talk about this."

"There is no we."

"You said you'd never let Katherine come between us." Elijah couldn't believe what she was saying to him. How could she be so blind? He didn't care about Katherine. What she had done to him hadn't hurt as badly as what Elena had. Elena made him love her. 

"She didn't. You did."  Elijah stormed away from them, unable to look at them for another moment. 

Elijah returned to the ballroom where his family and friends were waiting. Everyone was buzzing, obviously gossiping about Katherine's allegations. He couldn't believe they were true. Klaus spotted his brother and went over. 

"What happened? Did you find her? Have you seen Caroline?" Elijah clenched his fist at the mention of the blonde. 

"The party's over. Everyone needs to leave now. We have some family business to attend to."  Klaus could tell his brother did not want to elaborate further so he made arrangements to have everyone escorted out. After everyone left, the Mikaelsons lingered in the otherwise empty ballroom, waiting for Elijah to explain what had happened. 

"I knew that girl was trouble," Esther muttered. Rebekah fiddled with her fingers while Kol finished the glasses of champagne that sat on the table in front of him, not caring whose they had been, to begin with. Klaus paced back and forth. 

"Mother maybe you should take Henrik home." Elijah sighed, not interested in hearing his mother's "I told you so". 

"Elijah, whatever happened tonight affects our whole family. You were careless and-" 

"Mother! Go."  Elijah spat. 

"Do not speak to your mother like that," Mikael warned his son. "Esther we should take Henrik home. If our children need us they know how to reach us."  Mikael ignored the protests from his wife and his youngest son, leading them out of the building so the rest of the family could talk in peace. 

"She's right Elijah. You should have known that bringing Katherine's sister into our family -"

"Before you continue on the whole self-righteous act brother, you should remember what else Katherine said. Elena, Bonnie and Caroline were working together to take our money."  Kol nearly choked while Klaus grabbed a glass off a table and threw it into a wall. Rebekah jumped as it shattered.

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