20. A Labour of Love

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Caroline really wanted to convince herself that she wasn't having contractions. Stefan was at work and she was sitting on the couch by herself. The cramps had started small and she tried to ignore them. She knew there were a million other possible explanations that didn't mean she was about to give birth. 

She also knew if she was going into labour she should probably call Stefan. As prepared as she was, she did not want to go through this alone. She cursed herself for leaving her phone on the counter as another wave of pain went over her. She grabbed the pillow beside her and braced herself until the pain faded again. 

Caroline stood up and waddled over to the counter, grabbing her phone. She started to dial the number but doubted herself. She didn't want to worry him over nothing. 

She was about to put her phone down when she felt something on her legs.

"Oh, God." She groaned. She called Stefan and cursed to herself when it went to his voicemail. "Hey Stefan, my water just broke and I could use a ride to the hospital. Please check your phone before-" She trailed off, wincing as she was hit by another wave of pain. "Please hurry." She hung up and waited. After 5 minutes she called again, still no answer. 10 minutes later she tried again. When that didn't work she called one of the mechanics that he worked with but they didn't pick up either.

She debated driving herself there but she knew that was a terrible idea. After a half hour, she gave in a called an ambulance. She kept texting Stefan whenever she could.

By the time Stefan had checked his phone, Caroline had been at the hospital for around an hour. They had managed to get her a room which she was thankful for because she was not interested in giving birth on display.

Stefan sped to the hospital, bursting through the doors.

"Forbes, where is she?" He asked the front desk, out of breath from sprinting through the parking lot.

"Excuse me?"

"Caroline Forbes. She's in labour. Where can I find her?"

"How do you know Miss Forbes?"

"She's having my baby." He lied. The receptionist told him the room number and he headed into the elevator. When he finally found her she glared at him.


"You are not getting anywhere near me or my baby looking like that." He looked down and realized he was covered in grime from work. "There's a bathroom there with a change of clothes. Go clean yourself up." She ordered.

"You were going into labour and thought to pack me a change of clothes?" He chuckled. Of course, she would. He disappeared into the bathroom and cleaned himself up before going back to her side.


"How are you feeling?"

"How do you think?" She glared. Stefan raised his hands in surrender.

"Are you excited?"

"I'm terrified." Stefan was used to Caroline being prepared for everything.

"You're going to be an amazing mom Care."

"I know but I gotta get through this part first." She groaned.

"Well, I'll be here to hold your hand the whole time." He said cheerfully. "And soon you'll have Hope in your arms and the rest won't matter."

Kai wandered into the all-women's correctional facility and sat down in front of the glass. He picked up the phone on the wall and waited.

She strutted out looking surprisingly good in her prison uniform. She sat in front of him and grabbed the phone.

"Hey, Kitty Kat." Kai grinned.

"You got my message." She acknowledged, brushing over the terrible nickname. "What do you have for me?"

"Bon and I are living together, and Elena's been hanging around a lot. I think the time is soon." Katherine twirled the phone cord around her finger as he explained the situation to her.

"Seems like the plan is moving along nicely." She studied him for a moment. "Do you love her?"


"Bonnie. Do you love her?"

"Of course not."

"Good. I'm not interested in having my plans ruined by feelings. If you can't handle it tell me now."

"The only woman I give a shit about is you. I will do what it takes to get you out of there." He placed his hand on the glass.

"Don't worry about getting me out. I've got a plan. Your job is to make them pay."

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