30. Go the Distance

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After going to see Stefan, Elena went outside needing some air. The whole day felt like a dream and when she saw him approaching she could sense that feeling would get worse. 

"Hello, Elena," Elijah spoke calmly. Her heart ached as he said her name without the animosity she had gotten used to.

"Uh hi." She stumbled on her words as nerves bubbled up inside her. 

"Would you take a walk with me?" She nodded and followed his lead as they headed toward the sidewalk. They walked in silence for a while, neither knowing what to say. Finally, Elijah decided to ask what was on his mind. "Why did you do it?" 

"Katherine was offering us a life-changing amount of money. Plus you didn't exactly make a great first impression..." She sighed knowing that was not a good enough reason for what she did. "Maybe a part of me was interested in connecting with her." She shrugged. "None of it makes sense anymore." They fell back into silence but the tension seemed to be fading away. 

"So you're seeing Mr. Salvatore," Elijah commented, the awkwardness seeping back into their conversation. 

"Yeah, at first it was a way to get Bekah off my back but he's been surprisingly sweet." She felt weird talking to him about it. "I hear you're engaged." 

"Yes. I met someone in France." 

"I'm happy for you." Elena forced a smile. They fell into silence again not sure what else to say.

"Was any of it real?" He asked the question that had been bothering him since he found out the truth. She looked up at him, surprised that he would even ask her that. She wished she could blame him but he had every right to doubt her. 

"I loved you. I always will." He scoffed at her claim. 

"You can't possibly expect me to believe that." Elena stopped walking and reached around the back of her neck, undoing the clasp of her necklace. 

"If it was really about the money for me, I could've made a fortune off of this." She handed it to him and he realized it was the engagement ring he had given her. "The night you gave me this was after we told Katherine we were done being her pawns. It was the first time I truly believed that we had a future together." He looked at the ring in his hand, watching as it twinkled in the sunlight. For the first time since they started walking, he looked at her. 

"You should keep it." He moved behind her and helped her put the necklace back on as she held her hair out of the way. His fingers brushed against her neck. Elena's breath hitched. She turned around and they stood frozen for a moment. They weren't touching but she could feel the heat radiating off his body. She could feel his breath on her cheek. 

Elijah stepped away, bringing them both back to reality. 

"We should get back to the hospital. They should be releasing Rebekah as we speak." Elena nodded in agreement and they walked towards the hospital. As they approached, Elena placed her hand on his arm, halting his movements. 

"Elijah," She began, locking eyes with him in the process, "Do you think you could ever forgive me?" 

"If I were a better man you would already be forgiven." He left her standing there baffled by his cryptic words. 

After finishing the papers they needed, Rebekah and Stefan were both discharged from the hospital. The moment they laid eyes on each other they rushed over. Rebekah threw her arms around him careful not to knock him over. 

"Thank god you're okay." She cupped his cheeks, her cast feeling rough against his cheek. He chuckled at their matching casts.

"That'll teach us to hold hands before we crash a car." He teased her. 

"But it's just so romantic when they do it in the movies." She retorted, unable to take the goofy smile off her face. This man had really gotten into a car crash for her. "Speaking of..." She stood on her toes and pressed her lips to his. 

"Wow. Looks like I should crash cars more often." He grinned.

"You better not!" Caroline's voice piped up from beside them. 

"I would have to agree with Caroline on that one. I can not handle another plane ride with a stressed Elijah." Kol remarked.

"That's just any plane ride with Elijah." Rebekah pointed out with a laugh. 

"You're just lucky I talked him out of suing your little boyfriend." Rebekah blushed at Kol's statement. "I couldn't talk him out of dragging you back to New Orleans with us though." Rebekah glanced at Stefan who was still smiling at her. 

"Our relationship can handle a bit of distance." He winked at her. Rebekah loved hearing him say they had a relationship. "Plus you won't be able to stay away from your niece for very long." 

"How can I when she's so cute?" Rebekah cooed, turning to Hope who was comfortable in her mother's arms. "How did he take the news?" 

"He didn't believe me, but I guess that was to be expected." 

"I still can't believe Klaus reproduced." Kol pretended to shiver at the idea. "Who knew the devil's spawn would be so cute?"

"Hey! That's my daughter." Caroline glared and Kol held up his hands in mock surrender.  "Now I think it's time we get out of here. Stef, you ready to go?"

"You should go get Hope in the car, I'll be right out." She could sense he was trying to be alone with Bekah so she nudged Kol.

"Would you take her carrier outside for me? She's just so comfortable in my arms and I don't want to disturb her." Kol rolled his eyes at her attempt to be subtle. He followed her outside leaving the pair alone. 

"Are you really okay? You weren't hurt too badly?" 

"I'm fine Bex, I promise." He cupped her cheek with his good hand. "I love you." 

"I would hope so, you just crashed a car for me." She teased lightly. "I love you too." Stefan leaned in for a goodbye kiss but Damon's voice interrupted them.

"Nice one, little brother!" He called out, earning a smack on the arm from Bonnie. 

"We should probably go." Rebekah blushed. 

"Yeah." Stefan agreed. Rebekah took a step towards the exit but he grabbed her hand and pulled her back to him. "One more thing." He kissed her again and they melted into each other. He rested his forehead on hers as their lips parted. "Have a safe flight."

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