16. Rebound

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After months apart, hanging out with Bonnie felt surreal to Elena. She had spent so much time alone that having Matt and Bonnie back in her life felt unnatural. She was grateful to have a distraction from missing Elijah.

"Have you talked to Care recently?" Bonnie asked as she flipped through Damon's collection of movies. 

"I think the last time I heard from her she and Stefan were on a plane to Europe." Elena shrugged. "You?" 

"I talked to her not too long ago. She told me she was heading to Texas." 

"Caroline's in Texas?" Elena's eyes widened. Out of all the places to find her friend, she hadn't been expecting that. "Am I a terrible friend for not knowing that?" 

"You were going through a lot, I'm sure she understands." Bonnie offered, flashing her friend a sympathetic look over her shoulder. 

"We were all going through a lot, Bon. I know you loved Kol and she loved Klaus. I should have been there for you guys." Elena sighed, guilt bubbling up inside her. "We should have stayed together." 

"Elena you can't beat yourself up. Care and I both understand why you disappeared. We didn't have to face Kol or Klaus after everything happened. Elijah broke your heart just as much as you broke his." Bonnie stood up and moved to her friend's side. "We are finally getting our lives back on track, let's not ruin it by dwelling on the past." 

"I always forget how good you are at the whole pep-talk thing." Elena grinned as Bonnie pulled her into a hug. 

"Ooo girls' night? Count me in." At the sound of Damon's voice, Elena let out an audible groan. Bonnie rolled her eyes as they both turned to face him. 

"You were not invited," Bonnie told him sternly.

"It's my house, Bon. I didn't think I needed an invite." Damon pointed out. He sat down next to Elena, throwing his arm on the back of the couch behind her. "What are we watching?" 

"You leaving the room if we're lucky." Elena quipped with a glare. 

"If you wanted to stare at my ass, all you had to do was ask," Damon smirked leaning close to Elena. 

"Damon," Bonnie warned. 

"Yes, Bon?" He questioned with mock innocence. 

"You told me you had plans today." 

"I did but I cancelled them when I knew I'd have the chance to see this one." He brushed a strand of Elena's hair behind her ear and her breath caught in her throat. 

"You've seen her. You can go now." Bonnie groaned. "Why don't you and Kai go get drinks or something?" 

"You're the one who wants to spend more time with him, not me." He insisted, cringing at the thought of spending more time with his houseguest. While he didn't mind Kai in small doses, he would much rather spend his time with Bonnie and Elena. 

"Maybe I should just go, Bonnie. I think Matt's working tomorrow so you can join me there." Elena tried to stand up but Damon lightly tugged her arm, pulling her back down. 

"I'll go." He chuckled before leaning in closer to her, "If you really want me to." 

"Great. Bye!" Damon rolled his eyes but stuck to his word and left them alone. Bonnie looked at Elena knowingly. "What?" 

"You like him." 

"Like is a strong word. I prefer barely tolerate." 

"Mhm. Just be careful."

Elijah held tightly to Antoinette's hand as the plane took off. He couldn't believe Rebekah and Klaus had convinced him to go home. His heart was racing as memories flooded back. 

"Where are you taking me?"  Elena laughed as Elijah pulled her along. 

"Trust me."  He smiled at her. 

"Elijah!" She giggled even more as he quickly turned a corner causing her to stumble after him. "Where are we going?" 

"I said trust me!" He urged. "Now, close your eyes." Elena studied him for a brief moment before hesitantly closing her eyes. Elijah carefully lead her to their destination, making sure she didn't trip. She held tightly to his arm. "Okay, open!" 

Elena opened her eyes, not quite understanding what she was looking at. 

"A cabin?" She questioned. It was small, quaint, and not exactly what she expected from the billionaire. 

"You mentioned that your parents own a lakehouse and that you enjoyed going there when you were younger. My younger brother bought this cabin from his ex-girlfriend's family and I convinced him to loan it to us for the weekend. I thought it might be a nice escape."  He explained. The gesture was very sweet and Elena was thrilled to spend some time with Elijah away from all the pressures of real life. 

"This is amazing." She smiled, taking his hands and pulling him closer. She draped her arms over his neck and kissed him. "You're amazing."  He took her by surprise by scooping her into his arms. She squealed as he carried her to the front door, unlocking it without dropping her before carrying her over the threshold.

Elijah glanced at the woman beside him and sighed. Antoinette had saved him from heartbreak and he owed her his love. He needed to be completely hers rather than hung up on his ex, even if they were headed back to where it had all gone down. 

"I can't believe I'm on a private jet right now." Antoinette breathed out. She had taken the news of his true identity fairly well. She had been angry that he lied to her but he was sure his fortune cushioned the blow. "This is amazing." Elijah tried not to think about Elena. 

Once they were comfortably in the air Elijah's hopes for alone time with Antoinette to prepare her for what awaited them in New Orleans were crushed. Klaus and Rebekah made their way over pulling the couple apart to further their own agendas. Elijah hadn't missed his siblings' interference in his life. But he had missed them. 

Klaus dragged Elijah away to discuss business leaving Antoinette at the mercy of Rebekah. As Klaus droned on about what he had done in Elijah's absence, Elijah's mind began to wander once again. He didn't know what he would do if he crossed paths with Elena. A part of him hoped he would never see her again. Another part of him ached for her. But, that wasn't fair. Antoinette was all he wanted and all he needed now. 

Elena was nothing to him.

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