34. Important Questions

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Elijah sat at the counter of Rousseau's with Kol. His younger brother had been tired of his moping and decided going to drink was the best option. 

"I don't see the point of this." Elijah sighed, sipping on his drink. 

"And I don't see the point of you moping around the house." Kol retorted with a smug look on his face. "Look around. There are women everywhere who can help you forget about Antoinette." They both knew Antoinette was not the woman he was trying to forget but Kol didn't think it was the best idea to bring that up. "You haven't forgotten how to flirt have you?" 

"No Kol. I have not forgotten how to flirt." Elijah grumbled. 

"Prove it." Elijah glared at Kol but knew he had to prove himself to shut Kol up. He spotted a woman across the room and walked over to her. 

"Hi," He smiled at her. The woman was about to reject him when she turned around. "Can I buy you a drink?"

"You can do more than that." She smirked, scanning him. 

"I'm a gentleman. I should at least know your name." He laughed lightly. He waved over the bartender and ordered two drinks.



Elena got off the phone with Rebekah and her heart sank. She couldn't believe Katherine was pulling the strings yet again. She dialled Bonnie's number but she didn't pick up. Rebekah had mentioned that they had tried her as well but had no luck. Elena drove over to the house and pounded her fist on the door. Damon opened it. 

"Hey baby, did we have plans?" Damon wondered groggily. She shook her head.

"Is Bonnie here?" 


"Is Kai?" Damon furrowed his brows unsure of why she could be looking for him.

"No, I think he took her out somewhere." Damon shrugged. 

"Crap." She muttered, running a hand through her hair. 

"Hey, what's going on?" He cupped her cheek and pulled her into a hug. Damon shut the front door behind her and she relaxed into his touch. 

"What do you know about Kai?" Elena asked him, wiggling herself out of his grasp. 

"Uh I know he has a bunch of siblings and his family wasn't his biggest fan. Apparently, he caused a bunch of drama at his sister's wedding. Alaric brought him travelling to try to mend the relationship or something." 

"Did he ever mention Katherine?"

"No. Though I tend not to chat about my ex-girlfriends." Damon's mention of his relationship with Katherine made Elena feel uneasy.

"What ever happened with you and Katherine anyway?" Elena questioned, trying not to sound too worried. 

"She left me for my brother and broke my heart." He answered, seeming to be uncomfortable with the conversation. 

"Have you spoken to her since?" 

"I mean she was dating my brother so I kinda had to." Damon was tense and Elena wondered if bringing up his past heartbreak was too much. 

"But like since they broke up. Stefan talked to her last year when everything had gone down. Have you been in touch recently?" 

"Why are you asking me all this about Katherine?" Damon asked. His tone was harsher than she had expected.

"I'm just curious. I really like you and I'm trying to understand your relationship with my sister before things with us get too serious." She lied. Damon seemed to believe it as he reached out a hand for her. 

"You have nothing to worry about." He assured her. Elena hesitantly placed her hand in his. 

"So you haven't spoken to her recently?" Elena asked again, hoping he wouldn't get angry.

"Elena, you have to trust me." Damon insisted, lightly kissing her forehead. The gesture would usually be endearing but there was something almost condescending about it. And she made a note of the fact that he wasn't answering her question. "Come on, why don't we go watch something in my room?" 

"That's okay, I should probably get home." She forced a smile and turned towards the door. Everything was clicking into place and she was starting to feel sick. She fumbled for her phone in her pocket as she reached for the door. She pulled it open only for Damon to reach above her and close it. She turned to face him, trapped between him and the door. 

"I can't let you do that." 

Bonnie followed Kai through the forest. He had told her he had something super romantic planned. They finally arrived at a picnic blanket. 

"This was your big romantic surprise?" She teased with a light laugh. 

"No Bon, this is a picnic blanket." He retorted. Kai sat down and patted the blanket beside him. He pulled out the basket he had prepared. "I brought all your favourites." He opened the lid and took out a bag from the Grill. Bonnie shook her head at him. 

"I'm so lucky." She laughed. 

"There's actually one more thing. I was going to wait but you just look so pretty and I can't imagine a better moment." He dug through the basket and grabbed the small box that Bonnie had found in his closet. He opened the box and showed her the ring. "I know we have only been together a short time but, I love you, Bon. I've never felt this way before and I'm ready to spend the rest of my life with you. Bonnie Bennett, will you marry me?" 

Bonnie had always been practical. When she saw that ring she knew she had to say no. They had only been together for a few months and she had only known him for about a year. It would be crazy to get married. 

Then she thought of Kol. Was she ready to let him go for the rest of her life? He seemed to be done with her. Maybe this was what she needed to move on. 

"Yes." The answer surprised her. Kai was slipping the ring on her finger before she could even process what she had said. He kissed her and she let it sink in. They were engaged. 

Elijah walked back over to Kol holding a napkin with Sabine's number on it. 

"Aren't you going to take her home?" Kol asked, wriggling his eyebrows suggestively.

"I did this to prove to you I'm not as old and decrepit as you might think," Elijah told him, ripping up the napkin. "But my heart is still with another." He confessed.


"And I think its time to get her back."

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