21. Happier

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Thanks to Kol's constant updates, Rebekah knew roughly where to find Elena. When she arrived in Mystic Falls she could feel the whole town's eyes on her. She heard the whispers but she didn't care. She was on a mission.

"You there." She called to someone on the street who had been staring at her for at least five minutes. "Do you know where I can find Elena Gilbert?" 

"You-you're R-"

"I know. Now, if you could just point me in the direction of my favourite writer's house, I'd like to get her autograph." Rebekah held up a copy of Elena's book hoping whoever the townie was wouldn't spread around her arrival. Then again she was sure the entire town already knew. 

"I think she's living with Sheriff Donovan." 

"Where can I find him?" 

"He's at the station. It's just a couple of streets that way." Rebekah followed the direction she was pointed in and found the station. She walked in, once again seeming to be the center of attention. 

"I'm looking for Sheriff Donovan." Matt stepped forward, holding out his hand.

"Matt Donovan. Nice to meet you." He smiled politely.

"Rebekah Mikaelson." She shook his hand, surprised at how attractive he was. She had seen blurry pictures of him in articles on Kol's phone but they were nothing compared to the real thing.

"How can I help you, Miss Mikaelson?" 

"I was hoping you could help me find a friend of mine. Elena Gilbert." 

"Why are you looking for her?" Rebekah could tell he didn't trust her.

"Would you believe me if I said I wanted an autograph?" She smiled holding up the book in her hand. Matt shook his head but Rebekah noticed a slight smile creeping onto his lips. "I just want to talk. She was almost family you know..."

"Listen, I'm about to go on lunch, why don't you let me take you to her?" He offered.

"If you want to take me to lunch, it's going to have to wait." She teased, causing him to blush and stumble over his words. 

"That's not what I meant. I just-" 

"I am just messing around." She laughed lightly. "I definitely have time for lunch." Matt grabbed his jacket and keys. He escorted her to his car and she got in. 

They drove to Matt's, making small talk about life in Mystic Falls. Once they arrived, Elena was waiting for them on the steps. She couldn't believe her eyes when Rebekah stepped out of the car. Elena met her in the driveway and pulled the blonde into a hug. 

"What are you doing here?" 

"It's good to see you too." Rebekah rolled her eyes. "I need to talk to you about my brothers." Elena glanced over Rebekah's shoulder at Matt. She mouthed thank you to him before he drove away. 

"I'm glad you're here Rebekah but I haven't seen your brothers since I left." 

"They're not missing." Rebekah glanced at her strangely. "Well, not anymore..." She mumbled under her breath. "I'm here about closure."

"Then maybe we should wait until Bonnie gets here." Elena led Rebekah inside. "Would you like a drink or anything?" She offered. "I have coffee, tea-"

"Something stronger perhaps?" 

"Wine?" Rebekah nodded and Elena poured her a glass. 

"So Bonnie is here? In Mystic Falls?" 

"Yeah. She's staying with Stefan's brother actually." Elena explained. Rebekah was surprised to hear his name. She had pushed Stefan out of her mind. 

"Small world." 

"Elena I got your text!" Bonnie's voice rang through the house as she entered the front door. "Rebekah." Bonnie greeted Rebekah with a hug before Elena handed them both a glass of wine. "It's the middle of the day," Bonnie remarked.

"Think of the conversation we're about to have." Elena sighed. Bonnie nodded taking a sip. 


"Why are you really here?" Elena questioned Rebekah. She knew the blonde wanted to talk about her brothers but what had changed? "Why now?"

"I want you to come to New Orleans with me." Bonnie nearly choked at the suggestion while Elena looked like a deer in headlights. 

"What?" Bonnie blurted. "Why on earth would we go back? Why would you even want us to go back?"

"I think my brothers are unhappy. I think they would be happier if they got to see you again." Rebekah attempted to explain. 

"You really think they want to see us again? After everything?"

"I think you're destined to be together," Rebekah confessed. 

"You can't be serious." Bonnie sighed, glancing at Elena for help. Elena had remained silent. 

"I know it sounds foolish but I have never seen my brothers as happy as they were when they were with you." 

"He's engaged," Elena muttered, speaking for the first time since Rebekah had mentioned a reunion. "Elijah's engaged. It took him less than a year to get over me. We're not destined to be together."

"He was hurt. He's trying to run away from his feelings for you. The good ones and the bad." 

"Rebekah, you're being naive." Elena snapped. "Elijah wants nothing to do with me and the least I can do is stay away from him." Elena finished her drink. 

"What about closure? Maybe you won't get back together but maybe you need to see each other one last time. As much as Kol seems to believe it I know you haven't completely moved on." Elena furrowed her brows. 

"That's not true." She lied. "I met someone." This caught Bonnie's attention. "I'm finally happy."

"Is it the cop? Is he the one you are so miraculously happy with? Or that doctor-" Rebekah cut herself off, realizing how creepy she sounded. Screw Kol and his stalking habits.

"What the hell? Have you been following me?"

"No. Not exactly. Our PR representative has kept tabs on you to make sure what happened doesn't affect our business." Rebekah lied. "I'm sorry. I realize it's not fair of me to swoop in here and just act like I know what's best for your life. I've been preoccupied with my brothers when I should have just come to see my friends." 

"Rebekah I'm sorry we can't give you the answer that you want." Bonnie frowned sympathetically. 

"It's fine. I understand." Rebekah left Elena's heading back to the airport. She was disappointed with how her first attempt went but she knew it was far from over.

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