3. The Best Way to Start the Day

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Camille stood at the island, sipping a mug of coffee. She rolled her eyes as she heard the stumbling out of bed and the doors slamming. A few minutes and a toilet flush later, she was faced with Kol. Noticing his state of attire, Cami immediately averted her eyes.

"You'd think with the amount of money you have, you'd be able to afford clothes." Camille quipped.

"Where's the fun in that?" He grinned. Camille cringed as Kol moved much too close to her, taking a sip out of her cup. She wished she wasn't used to his behaviour.

"You're an idiot."

"Kol! Come back to bed!" A voice echoed from his bedroom and Kol's smirk grew even bigger.

"Sorry Darling, duty calls." He took another huge drink from her cup before disappearing back into his room. Cami dumped out the cup in the sink, not wanting to put her mouth anywhere near it.

Camille made her way back to Klaus' room. She slipped under the covers next to him and he rolled over so his arm draped across her torso. She could tell he was partially awake by the way he nuzzled into her side. She ran her fingers through his hair and his eyes fluttered open, locking with hers.

"Your brother is a dillhole." Cami commented causing Klaus to sigh.

"Good morning to you too, love." Klaus chuckled. He propped himself up so he was at eye level with her. "What did he do this time?"

After the engagement party, Klaus found himself living with Kol in New Orleans. Part of him didn't want to return to his place that reeked with memories of Caroline; the other was interested in getting to know the pretty blonde at the bar. It had taken him a long time to get over his trust issues. After a long few months of struggling to put together the pieces of his shattered pride and broken heart, Klaus finally decided to ask her out. While they had yet to label their blossoming connection, Camille had stayed over most nights after work and had spent enough time with him to expect his asshole of a brother.

Kol had been particularly reckless since Bonnie disappeared. He had tried to follow her tracks for a while but Klaus and Rebekah encouraged him to move on. Kol decided to live by the golden rule. "To get over one girl you have to get under another." When that didn't work he decided to keep trying, at least that part was fun.

Camille couldn't count how many times she had stumbled upon Kol after a night in.

"He owes me a coffee." She grumbled.

"I'll buy you a Starbucks." Klaus proposed before laying back down. Camille rolled her eyes at his ridiculous offer.

"How about you take me to campus instead?"

"Or we stay here..." He countered, lightly kissing her in an attempt to persuade her to blow off class.

"Just because you can afford to do nothing all day doesn't mean the rest of us can." She teased.

"I actually have a meeting today." He retorted. "Someone has to pick up Elijah's slack."

"You're telling me they didn't trust Kol? Shocker." Klaus laughed at Cami's contempt for his brother. "I'm glad you're getting back to work." She smiled, leaning in and kissing his cheek.

Camille had seen Klaus at his worst as he dealt with everything after Caroline. At the bar, she acted as his therapist and he was grateful to have her by his side then and now.

"I'll take you to campus on my way."

Kol climbed back into the bed with the woman he had spent the night getting to know. Her hands were all over his body as he tangled his in her dark hair. Her legs wrapped around his pulling him closer. He trailed his lips down her neck reaching his hand down between them. She arched her back as he touched her, pressing their chests together. He surprised her by reaching deep inside her, much further than his fingers could.

Kol's phone rang out, echoing through his room. He reached over and grabbed it off the bedside table.

"Are you really going to answer that?" She questioned in complete disbelief. He pecked her lips, silencing her before moving his hips, sending her into silent bliss before he pressed talk.

"Bex! What is it? I'm in the middle of something." Kol looked down at the woman who would have glared if she could think clearly. He had a cheeky grin on his face.

"I think I found Elijah."

"Shouldn't you be calling Nik then? Or our parents? Or anyone else?" Kol questioned as he slowly moved, his spare hand keeping his company quiet as he discussed family business with his sister.

"I tried that. I even called Freya. You are the first person to pick up the damn phone." Kol thought it was hilarious that he was the only one who cared enough to answer his sister, especially given his current state.

"Well, I'll pass on the information." Kol offered though he had no intention to follow through.

"I need someone to fly out here and help me convince him to come home."

"Once again you should be asking Nik. Or our mother? Or again anyone else?" Kol made eye contact with the girl in his bed who was silently begging him to hang up and finish what he started.

"Seriously Kol? Have some sympathy! Elijah is our brother."

"How about we talk later?" Kol groaned no longer enjoying making a fool of his sister as much as he thought he would.

"What are you doing that is so important?" She scoffed, not understanding why no one else was as worried about Elijah as she was.

"It's not a question of what I'm doing, it is a question of who I'm doing."

"Oh my god!" Rebekah shrieked, hanging up the phone immediately. Kol tossed it onto the floor with a shrug and focused his attention back on the woman in his bed. He removed his hand and she yelled out his name.

"Sorry about that, darling." He chuckled. "Why don't you let me make it up to you?"

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