36. The Aftermath

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Elena had taken Elijah back to her place after she was released from the hospital. Her shoulder luckily hadn't needed stitches so they cleaned and bandaged it before letting her go home. Matt had gotten stuck doing paperwork for the incident and Kol had taken Bonnie to get her stuff from Damon's leaving the two of them alone. They had been quiet since they left the hospital. 

Elijah sat down on her bed as Elena searched through her closet for a change of clothes. She flipped through her options, each one reminding her of Damon. She let out a loud groan in frustration. 

"Are you okay?" Elijah stood up, wanting to reach out to her but maintaining a respectable distance between them. 

"No." She admitted. "I'm an idiot. I should have seen it sooner." She shut the closet and began digging through drawers. She started throwing things to her floor as her search remained fruitless. 

"You're not an idiot." He tried to reassure her. "It happens to the best of us." He offered in an attempt to lighten the mood. When she didn't respond, he changed tactics. "Can I help you find something?" 

"I want to be free of Damon. I want to scrub off any skin he's ever touched and burn all of the clothing I wore when I was with him. I want to forget everything and just- I just-" She turned and he could see the tears pouring down her cheeks. Elijah reached up but she shied away from his touch. He stepped back, not wanting to make her any more uncomfortable. "I'm sorry." She mumbled. 

"You have nothing to be sorry for." He promised but she shook her head.

"I'm sorry if I made you feel even a fraction of how I feel right now. You deserve so much better than me." Elijah fought the urge to kiss her. He wanted to show her how wrong she was. 

"What you did is in the past." He said instead. "You asked me if I could ever forgive you and I can. I have." 

"Elijah..." Elena locked eyes with him. His heart raced at the sound of his name on her lips. "Why did you come here?" 

"I didn't want you to be alone after what happened." 

"No, I mean why are you in Mystic Falls?" 

"Because I-" Elijah's mind was spinning. He wanted to tell her everything but she had just gone through something traumatic. "I don't think now is the time." 

"Please." She pleaded. He cursed under his breath, unable to say no to her. 

"Because I want to be with you. I realized I still love you and I came here to see if you would give me another chance." He confessed. 

"Say it again." She moved closer to him. 

"I love you, Elena." Her eyes lit up and he felt himself smile. 

"I love you too." She cupped his cheek and stood on her toes to softly peck his lips. He followed her lead, not pushing to deepen the kiss. He knew she was still shaken.

"We can figure this out later. Why don't you go shower and I'll find something you can wear?" He suggested. "I'll help you wrap the bandage so it doesn't get wet." 

"I have a better idea." She took his hand and led him to the bathroom with her. She closed the door behind him and stood face-to-face with him. 

"I don't know if this is the best-" Elena reached for the bottom of her shirt and pulled it over her head wincing as she pulled It off of her injured shoulder. "idea." Elijah immediately averted his eyes. She stripped off her pants before reaching for the buttons of his shirt. "Elena," he warned. 

"Forever the gentleman." She mumbled under her breath. "I want this." She promised. 

"You think you want this. But you're vulnerable right now." 

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