You dont know me (A Nial Horan love story)

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*Shelby's POV*

Hey! The name is Shelby I'm 18 yup I'm totally one hundred percent an adult.... Well kind of. When I was 17 my mom remarried to the horrible man and ever since then I have been treated the I child and my life as been a living hell. Something's you need to know about me are that I have deep red auburn hair and grey blue eyes I stand at a staggering height of 5'3", yeah I know I'm a giant. I also love sing and play the guitar and the piano. I have one half sister. Her name is Andrea and she is the sweetest girl I know. Her and I have different dads, I have never meet mind but for Andrea she grew up with her dad until are mom and him got a divorce. Andrea has brown hair and green eyes and is 5'7" the shocking part is that she is the younger sister and stands four inches taller than me. Well I think that is all you need to know for know TA TA for now!

A/N yeah, I know that was super boring but I promise it will get better.

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