Chapter 22

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*Andi's POV*

When I saw Niall fall to the floor at the lose of my sister I couldn't take it anymore I went to him a kneeled down and hugged him and we both cried, after a bit everyone joined in. Zayn was the first one to break the silence.

"I know we all are hurting from this but we need to take action, doing this wont help us find her." I looked at him with amazement I've never seen him like this.

"What do we do?" asked Louis

"Well first we need to call the police and get people out looking for her, then we need to call Simon and tell him that we are not leaving this town until we find her." we all looked at Zayn not sure what to say.

"What are you all waiting for lets get a move on" everyone stepped into action, Liam called Simon Harry called the police, Kayla and Louis went off to the back of the bus I don't know why, and I stayed with Niall to make sure he is alright but I knew he wasn't and neither was I. With in minutes Simon and he police was here. All of us calmly told the police our story even though it was all the same. But when I came to Niall and Louis it seemed that there statements took a little bit longer.

"It is to my understanding that earlier this evening at your show you had found out that Shelby your girlfriend had cheated on you with Louis is that correct?"

Niall looked at Louis waiting for an explanation. Louis scratched his head then finally said

"She didn't cheat on you Niall, Shelby pulled me out of the dressing room because I had written her a note telling her that I loved her and she wanted to tell me that he was in love with you and that nothing was going to change and while she was talking I kissed her, she pushed me away and calmly and said that I was nothing more than a friend." Niall thought it over then called over to Harry

"Harry what did you see since you obliviously saw something, Harry walked over and said

"What I saw was what Louis explained, I didn't hear anything but I did she her push him away, I'm sorry Louis I should of talked to you before I went and said it to probably the whole world." he scratched his head and looked sheepishly. the officers looked at each other with doubt.

"Well boys that was touching and all but how do we not know that Niall here wasn't angry at just finding out that his girlfriend supposedly cheated on him with Louis here came back her did something to her and then called us to take the target off of him?" all of our jaws dropped they seriously didn't believe us. After they saw our faces they continued.

"But since a girl is missing we will put a full investigation, do you know anyone who might have done this?" we all shook our head of course we didn't we are just touring how could we. They looked as if they didn't know where to start but they finally said "We'll keep up posted" We watched as they walked back to there car and drove off. With nothing else to do we looked at Simon, he looked utterly devastated.

"Well I'll put you up in a hotel and we will figure this out." then he walked up to Niall and grabbed him shoulder and said "We will find her."

***at the hotel*****

**Zayn's POV****    

We all sat in Niall room not sure what to do, I looked over at Andi, she was sitting on the couch just starring at the wall she looked so helpless and upset that I couldn't take it anymore. I walked over to sat down on the couch next to her and wrapped her into a hug, she leaned into me and started silently crying. I looked over at Louis and he was pacing across the room quickly as if he had something to say.

"mate are you okay, you seem that you have something on your mind." he paced some more then stopped in from of us.

"Okay so you know that day in Omaha when we were playing hide and go seek and Shelby and I came back bloody. Well it was because Shelby was being attacked by this guy, he had her pinned up against a wall, I pushed him off of her but he punched me in the nose then ran off" Andi snapped out up at what Louis had said.

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