chapter 21

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**Shelby's POV******.

After I said bye to the boys I met my escort outside and he drove me back to the bus. I walked up the stairs into the bus, it was so quiet without everyone here, I walked back to the bathroom and took a nice hot shower, I had to wash yesterdays mess off of me. After about twenty minutes the hot water ran out so I got out. I walked to my back and grab black pajama shorts, and a hot pink tank-top and changed into them. I looked at the clock and it was only 6:30 that means the show just started I sighed and went to the kitchen to make myself some food. I had just finished pouring a bowl of cereal when I heard I door to the bus open. I didn't think anything of it, it was probably just Andi or Kayla coming to check up on me. I walked around the corner and froze in my tracks. In the middle of the living room stood Josh.

"Hello love I told you I would find you when your little boyfriend wasn't around." I watched as he walked closer to me, I felt my whole body shake as he approached.

"Why can't you leave me alone" my voice shook with every word.

"You see Shelby you are mine and I want you and when I want something I always get what I want. He was now standing in front of me. Okay Shelby think you need to get away from him, you can run you now if you can get off the bus you can out run him. Involuntarily my eyes looked at the door which gave away my plan.  I watched him smirk

"Oh honey you think someone is coming to save you, well let me break it to you sweetheart this is no fairy tale." he reached to touch me and that's when I tried to make my break. I threw my bowl of cereal in his face. As he tried to rub the milk out of his eyes I pulled past him and run for the door. I was almost to the door when I felt a pair of hands come down on my shoulder I felt my feet come off the ground, then I was air born I landed a table, I rolled off taking chairs to the ground with me. I quickly got up and grabbed a vase I took it and smashed it against his head. I watched him go down  I tried to jump over him but he caught my ankle and tugged me to the ground as well. He climbed up on top of me and pinned my hands above my head I struggled to get out of his reach but I was unsuccessful so I did the second best thing I screamed. Yet it was cut short when I was punched in the side. That blow took all of the air out of me, and the pain was unbearably, with all the deep bruising, I felt tears escape from my eyes. while I was in a dazed state Josh grabbed a small bottle and a rage out from his pocket. he poured the liquid on the rage and stuck it on  my face. I know right away it was chloroform I tried not to breathing. Josh didn't have the patients to wait so he punched me in the side again and I inhaled because of he pain then everything went black.


When I came too I was in a dark room and I was tied to a pull, I started to struggle against my restraints but it was no use they where to lose. I was about to scream then I saw a figure in he corner of the room. It was Josh

"Where am I" I depended

"Oh Shelby I don't think your in in position to be demanding anything"  I struggled more, I struggled until I felt unbearable pain in my wrists and a warm liquid running down my hands.

" Awe baby don't fight you know you are never going to leave here." Josh walked over to me and started to stroke my cheek. I tried to get away form his reach but I could hardly move.

"What do you want from me?"

"You know what I want, I want you all of you and you are going to give it to me one way or another." He moved in close like he was going to kiss me, I waited until our lips were about to touch, I bit his lower lip hard, hard enough that I tasted blood. He yanked back from me and grunted.

"You little bitch your going to pay for that" he drew his and back and brought it down on my face. The pain was unbearable, tears started to sting my eyes, but I blinked them away. Josh whipped away the blood from his lips.

"oh baby I love it when you fight dirty it just turns me on" he un tied me and took my over to a bed that was across the room after that the rest is to unbearable to say. After he was he left me on the bed.

"since you cant escape there is no reason to tie you back up." he got up and walked up a set of stairs that I didn't notice before I heard a click of a door and a flash of light come threw the doorway, it was to bright to be coming from any house light so I had to be somewhere in a cellar. Am I still in LA, will I ever be found? what if they cant find me and I'm stuck here for the rest of my life. I couldn't take it anymore I laid on the bed and cried, cried for what just happened, cried because I was scared but the main reason I cried was because I will never see my sister, Kayla, Harry, Louis, Liam, Zayn, or the love of my life Niall.  

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