Chapter 10 the call

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*Louis POV*

I couldn't sleep, Shelby was all that I could think about, I couldn't stay in this bed anymore, I was restless. I pulled the blankets off of my legs and went to the kitchen, maybe a carrot will help me calm down, there just, awesome. I walk into the kitchen and see Shelby sitting at the table eating a carrot..... A CARROT, MY CARROT.

"What do think your doing?" Shelby looked up shocked, she tried to hide the carrot behind her back but it was to late I had already seen it.

"Louis I'm sorry I just... I held up my hand to stop her,

"It's alright love ill share but just for tonight" I gave her a smile, and went to the fridge and got a bag of carrots out. I sat at the table across from Shelby, I watched her munch in her carrot as she started off into space.

"So why are you down her this late?" I asked she looked at me and smirked

"I could ask you the same"

"We'll if you must know I couldn't sleep so I decided to get a midnight snake"

"Same"was all she managed to say, she was quite which was weird cause its just not her, after a while in the silenced I asked "Shelby are you okay?" She looked at me then down at the table, she started to sniffle, I got out of my seat and went and hugged her. She started to sob into my shirt.

"Shh it will be okay I promise" was all I said as I rubbed soothing circles on her back after a bit she finally calmed down

"Sorry I just had to let that out, it's pretty scary when you think of what could of happened and yeah" she said

"It's okay love, how about we cheer up and watch some movies? Yeah?" She smiled and nodded, we got up and went into the living room

"So what do you want to watch first?" She pondered the thought and stroked her imaginary beard then said "pitch perfect" I laughed and went the movie case to get the movie, I put it in the DVD player then went and sat down next to Shelby.

I put my arm around Shelby she didn't notice, after half way threw the movie Shelby leaned into me, that's when I noticed she was asleep. She was absolutely breath taking when she slept, what am I saying she is beautiful all the time no matter what, I leaned down and kissed her forehead. I started to sing what makes you beautiful, she is the definition of this song.

"Your insecure don't know what for you turn heads when you walk threw the door

Don't need make up to cover up being the way that you are is enough

Everyone else in the room can see it everyone else but you" I let out a big yawn and fell asleep next to Shelby.

************next morning*************

*Niall's POV*

I woke up and noticed that Shelby wasn't next to me, I looked at the clock it was only 7:30. Ugh why so early, I tried to go back to bed but I couldn't, I was to hungry I rolled out of bed and walked to the kitchen, I looked into the living to see if Shelby was in there, she was and she was IN LOUIS'S ARMS! I was angry I liked her and Louis knew that and he his is taking her from me!

"WHAT THE HELL IS THIS!" Louis jumped up in a instance, he looked from Shelby to me and back.

"Niall it's not what you think!" Save it Louis you knew, you knew and you did this anyway!" Shelby got up and started walking towards me. "Niall please calm down, we where watching a movie and.. I cut her off

"And you thought you would snog Louis on the couch! I can't believe you did this I liked you" I felt tears filling my eyes I didn't want their to see me cry so I turned around and went back to my room, I slammed the door shut and locked it.

You dont know me (A Nial Horan love story)Where stories live. Discover now