Chapter 5 blue eyes

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*Shelby's POV*

Shelby well you go out on a date with me tomorrow???

I started to chock on the cookie I had in my mouth I was so surprised. Niall was next to me in a instant " Shelby are you ok oh my god your face is turning really red ." I finally swallowed my cookie and finished with the last few cough that cleared my air way. I looked into the crystal blue eyes that belonged to Niall, I got lost in the endless blue, my hearts trying to rip out of my chest.  I had to mentally tell me body to function. Breathe Shelby just breathe your face is probably turning red. "Yes" I whispered I would be surprised if he heard it but he must of because at that moment I was lifted of the ground and was being spun around the room. I had to lock my hands around the back of his neck, I was giggling like a crazy girl while Niall let out a joyous laugh that made my heart beat like crazy and made me feel like was floating on a cloud. Sadly to soon it stopped Niall had put me on the ground and was looking deep into my eyes.

He started to lean in he was getting closer and closer OH MY GOOD HE IS GOING TO KISS ME I DON'T THINK IM READY FOR THIS!!!!! Then we heard someone clear there throat, it was Louis we jumped apart at lightening speed. I felt so cold once Niall's strong arms weren't around my waist, I don't know why but I longed for his touch.

" if you guys are going to snog please do somewhere else, I don't want your guys germs all over the food. I was blushing like mad, I stole a glance at Niall and saw that he was just as red or maybe even redder than me, It was so cute.

"Louis why are you up?" " we'll I had a dream that I married the worlds largest carrot and while my carrot wife and I where dancing I got hungry so I ate my carrot wife and went to jail. So I woke up to go get some carrots when I just so happened to walk into you to about to snog all over the kitchen" 

"If you to will please take your smog session somewhere else i would like to enjoy my midnight snack in peace please."I had to laugh that was the strangest dream I have ever heard. " we weren't about to snog Louis," Niall said " uh huh sure she just had something on her lips and you just wanted to lick it of right?"

" you know you can make all the assumption you want but Shelby and I weren't going to kiss" and with that Niall and I left the kitchen. "Would you like to sleep in out guest room, cause the couch can be pretty uncomfortable and since all the boys are in there it's going to a snore Contest in there." We walked by the living room and he wasn't lying when he said it was a snoring contest the three boys left in the room where trying to snore louder than the next Liam was the winner by a landslide. I looked at Harry and Tracy, they where snuggled up to each other. There legs where over lapped and Tracy was snuggled into Harry's chest it was to cute. So I got my phone and snapped a few pictures. Niall noticed and had to stifle a laugh, then he grabbed my hand and led me up the stairs to what I assumed was the guest room. Once we got there I turned to Niall, " thanks for letting Tracy and I crash here for the night it's really sweet of you" 

"it's no problem at all, but I bet you would like some comfier clothes than that." Before I could say anything he was gone down the hall.

OMG NIALL FUCKING HORAN IS LETTING ME WEAR HIS CLOTHES!!! I had to let my fan girl self out I've been holding that in for way to long. I started dancing around the room and waving my arms around like a crazy person. Then I heard a laugh coming from the door way, there stood Niall holding onto the door for support. I felt my cheeks heat up I was so embarrassed that I looked at ground.

*Niall's POV*

I came back into the room and saw Shelby dancing around the room. It was so comical that I couldn't hold it in anymore I started to laugh really hard. She turned around and saw me. She looked at the ground and started to blush. Doesn't she know that that makes me go crazy every time she does that.  " here you go the bathroom is down the hall and to your left, if you need anything my room is right next to yours.... Goodnight." Man do I wish I could just stay in there cuddle with her and have her fall asleep in my arms but I mean we just met she would think I'm crazy if I told her that. So sadly I just went into my room and laid down knowing sleep would not come anytime soon I have to much on my mind, like the date tomorrow, where should I take here what if she doesn't like the date and she hates me.... Okay calm down Niall though are some crazy thoughts. After a while I felt my eye lids get really heavy and I drifted ever so slowly into sleep with her beautiful blue grey eyes lulling me to sleep.

*Shelby's POV*

I watched Niall leaving the room, I wish he would of stayed I want to fall asleep in his arm but I knew that was a crazy thought there was no way on earth that he liked me, he was probably taking me on a date because he feels sorry for me. I changed into a pair or black sweats and I red shirt that he had given me, they smelt so good but the sent reminded me that Niall wasn't next to me. With that I crawled into bed and let the thought of Niall's and mines date pull me into sleep.

**** dream state*****

I was sitting next to a lake, then I heard someone call my name "Shelby....... Shelby...... Shelby" I looked to my left and there stood step monster. He was smiling Maniacally at me with both of his hands behind his back. "See what you made me do?" I had to hurt an Innocent person because you fell in love with him. My heart stopped there laid Niall on the ground in a pool of blood his lifeless body still. I ran to him forgetting that step monster was next to him. NIALL OH MY GOD NO PLEASE NO WAKE UP WAKE UP I fell  to my knees next to him and laid his head in my lap, tears streaming down my face softly landing on his cheeks. "Niall please no wake up wake up." But there was no response, next thing I knew I was was being drag to the waters edge by my hair, "I told you that you would pay for leaving like you did I hate you and you deserve to die." Right as he was about to put my head in the water I was shaken awake.  

******** reality*****

When I opened my eyes there stood five boys and Tracy all with a worried look on there faces. "Shelby are you alright" asked Niall "y-yeah I'm fine it w-was just a bad dream". My Voice cracked and that was when I noticed that I was crying. " I'm sorry I woke you guys please go back to bed. "Sounds good to me" said Harry I watched as all of them slowly walked out of my room and everyone of them looked back at me before they left. Now it was just Niall and I in the room. "Do you want to tell me about it?"

*Niall's POV*

I was dreaming about Shelby's and my date, we were at a picnic in the park it was so magical. Next thing I knew Shelby was screaming bloody murder.. She was screaming my name? Was she dreaming of me? I got up and ran into her room she was crying in her sleep and was screaming like crazy. I heard the boys barge into the room as I was trying to wake up Shelby. Finally she woke up. My heart was beating out of my chest, "Shelby are you alright?" " y-yeah I'm fine it w-was just a bad dream I'm sorry I woke you guys please go back to bed." Her voice broke, she was trying so hard not to cry. " sounds good to me" said Harry.Uugh he can be so hateful when he is tired. 

After the boys left I looked at Shelby " do you want to tell me about it" she looked at me and she looked like she was going to cry, so I went and sat next to her and wrapped her into a hug so that she was sitting on my lap. She wrapped her arms around my waist and told me her horrible dream. I was so horrified that someone like her could have such frightening dreams. " shhhh" I cooed after about 20 minutes she was finally calm enough to we're she could talk without a hiccup interrupting her speech. " Niall will you stay with me?" What she said shocked me, "yes I will" and with the I got my wish I laid down and pulled her into my arms, her hair smelled like honey. Within a few seconds Shelby's breathing got heavy, and with knowing that she was safe my eyelids slowly closed.

A/N I'm so sorry it took so long to post this chapter I had to work a lot this weekend and smelly Subway. Who knew a place that good could smell so bad. Well I hope you enjoy!!!! Stay beautiful ;))))


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