chapter 24

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*Andrea's POV*

I sit in Shelby's room with Zayn waiting for her to wake up. They say that she fainted because she was malnourished and with all the excitement that was going on her body couldn't take it so it shut down. That was three days ago and now they fear that she might be in a coma. As for Niall he is okay, he lost a lot of blood when he was stabbed in the lower abdomen. But luckily the piece of glass didn't hit any vital organs. He got 16 stitches and was released hours after he was emitted, but even though he was free to go he stayed and every night he would lay in the bed next to Shelby and hold her hand.

"Andi stop worrying your sister will be fine and she will probably wake up here soon." I looked up at Zayn with doubt and fear in my eyes 

"How do you know that?"

"I just do, its like my feeling towards you I know how I feel and I'm certain your sister will be up soon"

"How do you feel about me Zayn?" I held my breath and waited

"Well I really like you and at first I thought you were going to be a big fan and there is nothing wrong with that I love my fans but I thought you were going to just be in love with my looks and voice but the more I got to know you I saw that you were really down to earth and I like that."I looked into his eyes and saw the cute sparkle that was in them, then I saw that he was leaning in. Are lips were about to touch when I heard a whimper come from Shelby.

*Shelby's POV*

 I laid in a bed waited for my senses to come back first was my hearing I listened to a conversation in the room it was two voices a male and female they were talking about liking each other. As I listened the voices became familiar it was Zayn and Andi. I tried to remember what had happened, but  all I remember is fear, but fear from what? then it all came back, him attacking me.... and Niall....NIALL he was stabbed I started to whimper as I forced myself to wake up I had to make sure Niall was awake.

My eyes fluttered open and I looked around the room, my heart fluttered and I tried to get up but something was holding my arm, it was a bunch of surgical tubes in my arm I reach over and was about to take them out when I hand stopped me. I looked up to see Zayn

"Shelby please stop your okay everything is fine" I grab Zayn and pull him into a hug, he hugs me back, all I do is hold onto him I thought I would never see him again. Then I heard a cluster of feet running down the hall. I let go of Zayn and see everyone standing in the doorway smiling like crazy. They all came in and started to hug me gently.

"guys I'm not going to break" I look around and don't see Niall and panic hits my face. As I looked around a figure stood in the doorway. It was Niall he walked up to me cupped his hands around my face and looked right into my eyes.

"You scared the living hell out of me Shelby, don't ever do that again, you hear me" I giggled as tears ran down my face

"I scared you??? You were talking as if you were going to die"  I couldn't take it anymore I kissed him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer to me. I felt all my worries leave all the fear of never seeing him again left and joy filled my heart.

"Alright you too break it up" I looked over at Louis who was looking at the ground

"Awe Lou" I opened my arms and hugged Louis I felt warms in me and I knew I loved Louis but as a friends, a best friend. I whispered in his ear

"Louis I love you but as a best friend and I always want you in my life" he smiled and I let him go

"So when can I get out of here?"

"Well you have been out for a couple of days so I'm sure the doctor will want to look you over so who knows" I looked over at Zayn and then I remembered what I had heard when I was waking up.

"Zayn do you like my sister?" his face went a little pale but then he smiled and looked at Andi

"Yeah I do Shelby and well..(He looks at Andi)... I want to ask you, Andi if you would like to go out with me?" I smiled and Andi turned pink in the face. She looked down at her feet then back at Zayn.

"Yes I would" she smiled and kissed Zayn.

"Come on enough with the kissing" said Louis as he threw his hands up in the air everyone got a good chuckle.

After a few hours I was released from the hospital, all of us packed up and got back on the bus and went back on tour, Josh was put behind bars for a long time and everything was back to normal.

The End

A/N ITS FINISHED finally, if you want me to make a sequel comment please because I am more then willing I just need some feed back. Hope you all liked the ride tata for now. 

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