Chapter 13 the news

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*Shelby's POV*

I woke up the next morning feeling horrible, I had no ambition to do anything. I laid in bed until Tracy came into my room

"Hey get up and get dressed we are going over to the boys house" I kept my back towards her I didn't want her to see that I looked like crap or that I cried myself to sleep.

"I don't feel well I think I'm going to stay here for the day" I felt her start to rub small circles on my back, it was a nice gesture but I wasn't in the mood to be touched

"Do you want me to stay behind and make sure you are alright?" I could tell that she didn't want to but it was really nice of her to offer.

"No honey you go ahead if I start to feel better ill text you okay?" I said she was quite for a bit but she finally answered

"Okay honey ill see you later tonight" I nodded, she pat me on the back then left the room. I felt horrible for lying, well I wasn't really lying I did feel like crap but I wasn't sick. I thought about that text, I wasn't scared about him coming for me, I mean I was across the ocean in another country, it was all the horrible memories of what he did to me, all the abuse just being used for sex not meaning anything. I felt tears slide down my face, after two years he still gets me, I don't know how I would react if I met him in person.

*Niall's POV*

I heard a knock on the door, jumped up to answer it, when I swung open the door there stood Andi and Tracy, but no Shelby. I must of looked confused because Andi said "she is at home sick" I looked at her to see if what she was saying was true, it was. Then Tracy piped in "she said she would come over later, I'm sure she was just tired and wanted to sleep in so don't worry okay?" She patted my arm then walked in with Andi right behind here. I closed the door and fallowed, the lads must of heard the conversation because none of them asked they just went about there business.

"So what are we going to do today?" Asked Zayn "we have to talk to Simon at 2" said Liam "about what?" Asked Harry "he didn't say" said Liam. I looked at the clock it was 11:00. I walked into the kitchen, grabbed a bag of chips sat down at the table and texted Shelby.

From Niall

To Shelby

Hey princess are you okay?

I put my phone down and started eating, I was worried about her I hope she isn't horribly sick, my phone buzzing brought me back to reality.

From Shelby

To Niall

Yeah love I'm fine, I just feel icky, I think it was from when I was out in the rain the other day

I felt bad it was my fault that she is sick, I'll go over there and take care of her. I put the chips away and went to the living room to tell the guys. "Hey I'm going to see if Shelby is alright okay?" They all looked at me but it was Liam who did the talking, "mate we have to talk to Simon here in a bit and you need to be there, why don't you go after we talk to him okay?" I knew he was right so I didn't argue, I just grabbed my phone and text Shelby.

From Niall

To Shelby

I'm sorry sweetheart that your not feeling good, I hope you get feeling better love

I was going to surprise her by showing up with chick flicks and soup so I couldn't tell her, I got up and went to the movie rack and started picking out really girly movies, when Andi said

"If you really want to impress her get Walt Disney movies like the Lion King, Tangled, and, her absolute favorite Aladdin. I groaned I hate Walt Disney "I would rather go with out eating for a week then watch Disney movies but since its for Shelby ill do it!" I said, being dramatic they all laughed

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