Chapter 4 The ugly truth

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*Andrea's POV*

I could hear Mom and step monster yelling from my room. It's been a living hell since Shelby left, I just wish she would of taken me with her, I absolutely hate it here now. Quentin keeps yelling at me for the stupidest of reasons, like when I was in my room reading he yelled at me because I had a pair shoes out on the floor and they weren't put away. I  notice everything got quite, I crept out of my room just in time to hear my mom's phone go off. Then all hell broke lose, mom was yelling at Shelby and for the first time in my life I hear Shelby at her.

Usually Shelby would stay quite and take the abuse she would never say I hate you or even yell at my mom. She would always tell me it was because she knew it wasn't right to yell at your elders, but I think it is because she was afraid of what step monster would do to her if she fought back, and every time I think about it, it takes me back to the horrible night.

***********flash back************

Mom Shelby and step monster where all sitting around the table "talking" more like yelling at Shelby... A few days ago Shelby had found a meth pipe in there room and she had confronted them about it... She never yelled not even once she was just concerned about my well being. Step monster was up in Shelby's face screaming at her all she did was look at him and he snapped he threw her out of her chair making her hit her head on edge of the coffee table. There was a huge gash on her hair line, I remember seeing a lot of blood and some of it got onthe carpet so he made clean it up while she was still bleed. She finally passed out from blood loss and we had to rush to the hospital, step monster made up this huge lie saying that she fell down are porch steps, she had to get ten stitches.

***************** flash back over*****************

Step monsters voice brought me back to the present, he was hateful towards her saying say things like she was a whore and worthless it made so anger that I couldn't take it anymore. After they got of the phone they say me in the hallway. " what the hell are you looking" he said " a monster that is what I'm looking at and a cowardly lion who doesn't care about her cubs" I didn't even let them reply I went to my room slammed the door I was crying before I could hit my bed. I got my phone out and texted Shelby

From Andi 

To Shelby

* It's a living hell here why did you leave me behind???* 


*Nial's POV*

 I walked out side to find Shelby sitting on the ground crying. "Shelby what's wrong why are you crying?" Man I know I just met her but I never want to see her cry she is way to beautiful to let sorrowful tears fall down perfect cream colored cheeks. I went and sat down next to her and wrapped her up into a hug and started rocking her the moment we touched I felt like I was just hit in my chest but like in a good way I know it sounds weird but I just can't explain it but it felt amazing. "Please tell me you can trust me." " I just called my mom and she started to yell at me saying that I had to get my ass home. Then the step monster got on the line and said that I was worthless and a whore and they where surprised that I wasn't pregnant and that the family was better off without me and that they were happy that I was gone." I was in utter shock, " I know how you feel, when we first started the band I got so much hate from everyone that I almost quit Shelby looked at me shocked " why would anyone say that about you, your an amazing singer and you belong here just as much as Harry or any of the others." Her words touched me, here she is crushed from what her parents told her and she completely forgets that tries to cheer me up she is so caring.

" Oh Niall don't cry please don't think about though stupid people they aren't worth the time." She whipped a single tear away from my cheek that I didn't know was there until she wiped it away with her thumb. " that's not why I'm crying no one has ever been so caring like that, your so sweet." She smiled that cute smile and looked down I put my finger under chin and raised her head. " please don't do that your beautiful so keep your head high." She looked into my eyes and the next thing I knew I was leaning in.

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