chapter 20

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****Shelby's POV*****

I was feeling light headed and everything hurt, both my sides my shins, shoulders and everything in-between,  but the cut had finally stopped bleeding so heavy. "hey don't get any blood on the seat, its hard to clean up" we all looked at the rude taxi driver but said nothing no one was in the mood to argue.

"Shelby are you sure you are going to be alright.... you look a little pail." I looked over at Kayla she was very concerned which was sweet.

"I'll be fine I just hope Niall is still asleep when we get back."

As we pulled up to the tour bus I saw something move from inside, oh please let that be someone else and not Niall, yet I was wrong as we hopped out and Niall came running out. When he saw the condition that I was he stopped in his tracks, and all the color drained from his face.

"Shelby what happened to you?!?!?!?"

"Oh you know,,, I kind of feel down some stairs?" Niall walked over to me and wrapped me up into a hug but it hurt I had to wince. He pulled back, and looked at me then at Harry

"What the hell happened Harry?????"

"Well Shelby and I kind of decided that since Kayla had no place to go that we would let her come with us, so when went and got her stuff and well her ex came back and threw Kayla into a wall and pushed Shelby down a flight of stairs"

We all watched as Niall took in the story he went form worried to anger.

"Harry how could you, you should of waited till morning and we all would of went now Shelby is hurt and its all your fault"

"Don't blame me okay I tried to help but it just happened okay"

they were really starting to yell and get up into each others faces that's when the rest of the boys came out.

"What the hell is going out here!?!?!!" said Zayn

"oh my Shelby are you alright??" said a concerned Louis I watched as Harry yelled at Niall and Niall at Harry then Liam trying to be daddy Direction and trying to calm everyone down, with all of this commotion I started to get light headed, the world started to spin as if I was turning in circles, the round came out from under me and then everything went black.

****Louis POV***

I was sleeping dreaming about Shelby in my arms when yelling woke me up. I sat up and shook the boys awake *mates do you hear that??** we all got up to see what was wrong. We went outside to find a beat up Shelby a scared Kayla with a lot of luggage and an anger Niall and Harry

*What the hell is going on*

*Oh my Shelby are you alright* I watched as Shelby looked at the sense in front of her she became very pale then I watched as her eyes rolled back and she fainted, luckily I as close enough to her that I caught before she fell

"Mates stop fighting we needed to Shelby to the hospital." Harry and Niall stopped their fighting and looked over at Shelby and I. Niall became very pale and ran over to us.

"Is she still breathing??? oh god!!!"

"Niall calm down just someone call Paul and tell him where we will be." I lifted Shelby up and walked over to the street to call a cab, it take long to get one because of the hour. "Come on Niall lets go"

"Hey that's not fair why cant we all come" said a very upset Andi

"Because one cab doesn't have enough room for all of us and someone still needs to call Paul and Simon so they know what's going on, you can come just later once everything is settled okay??" I watched as they nodded their heads and started doing what I said. Niall Shelby and I got into the cab and went to the nearest hospital. I sat in the cab with Shelby in my arms, I was so scarred but with Shelby in my arms I felt at peace. I looked over at Niall and he was a white as a ghost and he never took his eyes off of Shelby.

You dont know me (A Nial Horan love story)Where stories live. Discover now