Chapter 18

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*Shelby's POV*

******Dream state*********

"You know I love you forever and always " said Niall as we stood on top of a waterfall I smiled and kissed him on the nose "come on let's go" I said

"Shelby" a man whispered I froze that voice was so familiar I looked over the waterfall and it turned into a fiery pit then step monster came from the bottom" you little whore you deserve to riot in hell you bitch," then Andrea was next to home "he is right you whore you cunt why don't you just go get "rapped" she air quoted you fucking bitching trying to tell me what to do! I hate you I fucking hate you!" I went to turn and run when Niall grabbed me. He had an evil grin on his face "I could never love a whore like you, you deserve to riot in hell!" He grabbed me and threw me off the cliff.


I woke up with a start I was sweaty and I was shaking I saw that Niall was still asleep I crawled over him and out of the bunks and headed for the bathroom, I felt dirty I turned the water on then hopped in the water felt great but it wasn't getting my mind off the dream or my sister. After a bit the water got cold I got out and got dressed I walked out to the living room, I tripped over a body I looked up to see it was Louis, he groaned and held his side "what the hell?"

"Lou I'm so sorry are you okay?" I whispered

"Yeah I'm fine" he said he sat up and looked at me "why are you up?' He asked

"I couldn't sleep so I came out here and you just so happen to be laying in the middle of the floor" I say as I playfully push him.

"Oh it's on!" He whisper yells he tackles me making me fall over "Louis let me go!" I whispered "no not until you say Louis is the sexiest man alive"

"Never" I said I tried to squirm out from under him but it was no use I was to weak.

"Fine then I guess Ill go to sleep" he fell on top of me and pretended to snore. "Get off of me before I die!"

"No not until you say it"

"Fine! Louis is the sexist man alive! Now get off!" I said as I pushed him off.

"Aw thanks Shelby its so nice to get compliments from you! Your so sweet" he hugs me "well I'm going back to bed good night." I watched as Louis got up and walked down the hall. As I sat there in the dark everything hit me like a ton of bricks I couldn't take it anymore I got up and went to the kitchen I opened the fridge I wasn't but I needed to get ride of some stress so I started to cook.

*Niall's POV*

The smell of food brought me from my sleep, I rolled out of bed and walked towards the kitchen. I walked in to find mountains of food stacked on the counters, I found Shelby standing over the stove making the last bit of pancakes. I walked up behind her and snaked my arms around her waist "good morning babe" I said then I kissed her on the top of her head. She turned around and kissed me "morning I hope your hungry, oh wait I forgot who I was talking to" she took the last pancakes off of the stove. I grabbed a plate and started to load it up, when I was finished I had sausage, bacon, waffles, eggs, pancakes, and a big glass of orange juice. I sat at the table and dug in. It was the best food I have ever tasted "oh babe this tastes like heaven what did you do to make it taste so good"

"Everything is home made" she giggled I got up and kissed her she never stops amazing me.

"My head hurts" a voice said from the doorway I turned to see Louis, when I saw him it reminded me that I was mad at him for letting Andi drink. After he walked in came Zayn, Harry, Liam, then Andi.

"You all look like shit!" I said to Andrea, Louis, Zayn, and Harry I looked at Shelby she was leaning agents the counter forcing herself to keep her eyes open that's when I noticed the dark circles under eyes.

You dont know me (A Nial Horan love story)Where stories live. Discover now