Chaoter 9 things just got real

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*Niall's POV*

Talking to Shelby's sister was really fun and it was nice to see Shelby happy, I could tell she liked talking to her sister. We went into the house, I went to the kitchen with Shelby at my side, Harry went to change into sweats, while Zayn, Liam, Tracy, and Louis went into the living room.

Shelby was sitting on the counter as I was looking threw the fridge, she was so cute when she swung her legs. Out of nowhere Shelby jumped of the counter and came really close to me. "Hey do you have any nerf guns?" She asked. I looked in her eyes they where filled with mischief. I nodded and lead her into Louis room and grabbed the two he had. Then she lead me into my room where she pulled out all of my black clothes. She threw a black pair of sweats and a black tank at me and pushed me into the bathroom. I changed into the clothes not really sure of what's going on. When I came out Shelby had on one of my black hoodies that was so long that it looked like she didn't have any pants on. She then went to her purse and pulled out some black lipstick she put some then made two makes across her checks, man she looked damn sexy, then she walked over to me and made the same marks on my cheeks.

"Okay here's the plan we are going to navy seal to Harry's room shot him then go down stairs to get everyone else." I nodded and fallowed her lead, we crept along the wall down to Harry's I was on one side of the door and she was on the other, she counted two three with her fingers when she hit one we barged into Harry's room he had just slipped on a shirt Shelby shot him in the head. He stood there shocked as we run out of his room then we crept down the stairs and crawled on the floor into the living room we where right behind the couch she counted down to three, when she got to one we jumped up and started shooting everyone with the nerf guns. After we run out of amo Shelby grabbed a couch cushion and started hitting Louis with it. After they all got over the shock they fought back, Zayn, Harry, and Liam started beating me with couch cushions while Louis and Tracy tickled Shelby to death. "WE SURRENDER!!" We said at the same time but the war was far from over, Shelby shot up hit Louis with the cough cushion then went running threw the house. From somewhere up stairs we heard Shelby yell " LOUIS IS IT FOR HIDE AND SEEK EVERYONE HIDE WHILE LOUIS COUNTS TO 30" Louis smiled and covered his face while everyone else hide.

I ran up the stairs taking two at a time I ran down the ling hall and hide in the laundry room under a huge pile of dirty clothes. It smelt horrible but I couldn't move cause I heard Louis yell "READY OR NOT HERE I COME!" Oh great now I'm stuck here until I'm found

*Shelby's POV*

After Niall and I surrendered I felt like everyone should join in on the fun so I hit Louis with a couch cushion and then went running up stairs screaming "LOUIS IS IT FOR HIDE AND SEEK EVERYONE HIDE WHILE LOUIS COUNTS TO 30" I waited for a few seconds until I heard Louis counting then I ran down the hall. I saw a dark room that I've never been in before. I walked in and quickly flicked on the light it had a studio set up, I turned off the light and hide in the sound room under a desk.

*Louis's POV*

I laughed at Shelby's enthusiasm for some reason she was really hyper, I closed my eyes and started to count once I hit 30 I got up and went on the hunt. Zayn was the first on I found he was under the kitchen sink. Next I went for Liam he was in his closet typical. Then I went into Harry's room but there was no luck I went back down and into the garage, I found Harry and Tracy snogging in one of the cars. "I Don't think it's far to hide together and your snogging!!!!" I left on that note and went for Niall and Shelby, they better not be together. I walked into the house, and went up stairs I check all the bedrooms and no one was in sight. I walked back down stairs and saw that everyone but Niall and Shelby wasn't there. I went to the laundry room and there was Niall poor lad he was stuck in there for ages, "well I'm going to shower I feel really dirty" said Niall "okay well I'm going to look for your girlfriend" I elbowed him and waged my eyebrows he blushed and looked at the ground "she's not my girlfriend" I smiled "not yet lad" we parted ways. I had one room left to look in,the studio room. I walked in and turned the light on no one was in the lounging room so I walked into the recording room and there was Shelby passed out on the floor under the desk, I smiled and grabbed my phone I took a picture and sent to the lads with a message attached that said come to the studio room. A few seconds later everyone came even Niall I guess he hadn't made it to the shower yet. They all piled into the room and looked at Shelby, she looked so cute when we slept, wait what am I saying Niall likes her. "Hey guy lets sing her awake" Niall suggested we all started to sing little things,when I came to my part, her eyes fluttered open she looked up at us and started to blush like crazy It was absolutely stunning, wait stop that! When I came out of my thought Niall was singing, I could tell that he meant every word he was singing to her, she was just to blind to see it.

You dont know me (A Nial Horan love story)Where stories live. Discover now