Chapter 8 hot and heavy

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A/N just letting you guys know that this chapter get a little steamy.

*Niall's POV*

As we were walking out of the restaurant I built up the nerve to lace my fingers with Shelby I was shaking and I was afraid she would reject me but she didn't. She looked up at me blushing but she didn't let go I was absolutely excited, maybe she did like me, I hope so. We finally made it back to the house and everyone piled into the living room in the same spots as the other night. We all decided to watch paranormal activity 4, half way threw the movie Harry got up and left I think I was the only one who really notice. Then a minute later Tracy got up and said she has to go to the bathroom. I was wondering why both Harry and Tracy left but Shelby jumped into my lap which brought me out of my thought, I wrapped my arms her and let her cuddle into my chest as I went back to the movie.

*Tracy's POV*

I saw Harry get up and walk up the stairs before he left he winked at me. I knew what he meant I waited for a few minute then made the lame excuse that I had to go to the bathroom, no one seemed to notice but Niall I went the up the stairs then I noticed that I had no idea where I was going. I was about to go back down stairs when I was pulled into a room.

Before I could scream a pair of lips came crashing into mine and at that instant I knew who it was as the bombs went off all around me. We broke apart so that we could catch our breath but he did stop there he started kissing my neck making me moan, I felt his curly hair tickling my neck. I ran my fingers down his chest, that's when I notice he didn't have a shirt on. He started biting my ear and whispered jump and I did what he asked, he caught me and I wrapped my legs around his waist has my hand clutched onto his hair. I pulled on he curls which made him moan he started walking us towards the bed and laid me down as he reconnected our lips he licked the bottom of my lips and I gladly accepted after a few seconds I started to make my way to the button on his pants and undid them. I could feel him smiling threw the kiss, then he put his hand under my shirt and started for my bra strap. His rough fingers agents my skin sent shivers up an down my spine. He lifted up my shirt and bra and started kissing my chest then he made his way to my waist he unbuttoned my shorts with his teeth, then started pulling them down. I took off my own shirt and bra and slide up the bed so my head was resting on a pillow. After he took off his own he made his way unstop of me. "Are you ready?" He said in my ear " better question are you ready?" He smiled and started biting and kissing my neck, and lets just say he knows what he's doing.

*Shelby's POV*

This movie was totally scary I was glad that Niall was there to be my human shield. After that movie was over the guys put in Liam's favorite movie Toy Story, I heard Niall grumbly under his breath but I just giggled and snuggled into him which put a smile on his face. He started to stroke my hair which wasn't a good idea, after the four time his hand went threw my hair I was out like a light.

*******dream state*******

I was at the beach and Niall and I were walking along the shore we were talking and laughing and swinging are arms carefree. Then the sunny day became night and a storm started to roll in. It started to rain Niall and ran for the car but when we got there a man stood by the car with a long trench coat. We stopped in our tracks as the man started for us. I went to run but Niall wouldn't move, "Niall please we have to go I have a bad filling" " nonsense that man can't hurt us." I turned back to look at the man but he was gone. Then I felt arms grab me from behind. " I told you, you dirty little slut that I would get you." That voice rang loud and clear, it was step monster. Then he pulled me into the darkness.


I woke up with a start I looked around to see that I wasn't on the couch anymore I was in a bedroom and Niall was next to me. He had some hair in his face I so went to brush it away, but I guess my motions was not a subtle as I thought because I watched as Niall's eyes fluttered open. I was so caught up in his blue eyes, and the little dimple on his chin that I didn't notice that he was talking "I'm sorry what" I said I chuckled. He just smiled a groggy smile and said again, "if you want me to leave, I will go?" 

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