Chapter 17

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*Zayn's POV*

I felt bad for Shelby poor girl and I'm sure Niall feels bad for letting this happen. I thought as I walked to Andi's room. I knocked on Andi's door after a bit she answered "hey Zayn! You ready?" I held up my sketch book and shading pencils and said "sure am love." I walked in and went to the couch Andi sat down next to me with her sketch book and pencils. "So what will we draw today?" She asked I thought about it for a second then said "draw something that makes you happy" she tapped her nose with her pencil it was really cute she then went to work. I got out my Sketch pad and went to work, It was quite but not awkward it was... Nice. I looked back at Andi she was drawing like crazy you could tell she was really into it when has her tongue slightly sticks out. I smiled and went back to drawing, she was done before me but I had finally finished. "You ready to see this master piece?" I asked she nodded I flipped over my book to revile a picture of all the mates, Shelby and Andi "wow" she said "come on now lets see yours" she flipped over her book to revile a house on top of a hill, the yard full of flowers, grape vines, apple, cherry and plum trees it was amazing "it's a picture of my grandmas house I loved to go there when I was a kid, I miss her"

"I'm sorry Andi" I gave her a hug, she wrapped around me and laid her head in the hallow of my neck she didn't cry she just hugged me. I leaned down to tell her something right as she tilted her head up to say something our lips touched lightly she quickly pulled away and turned her head, I think I saw her... Blush?

"Well this is awkward" Andi said I smiled and rubbed the back of my neck "yeah maybe I should go" I got up and walked to the door "Zayn?" I turned to see that she was right behind me "we are still having are drawing sessions right?"

"Of course love" before I left I kissed her on the cheek then walked out the door. I walked back to my room I felt shocked this kiss uncovered hidden feelings I had for her, but she said it was awkward does that must mean she doesn't like, but she still wants to be friends or she wouldn't of wants to keep having our drawing sessions. I looked at the clock it was seven I got up and went to pack my bag.

*Harry's POV*

I was talking to Tracy, I really like her "so baby what are you up too?" She asked I love the sound of her voice, I really miss her "I'm fine I wish you where here baby, how's the job going?"

"It's go.... I got to go baby my mom just came over" she said

"Um... Okay talk to you tomorrow love bye" I hung up that was really weird a knock not he door brought me from my thought "hey mate you need to be done in the lobby at 8 so we can go to the tour bus." Said Liam I looked at the clock it was seven thirty I rolled out of bed and went back my suitcase.

*Louis's POV*

I was dead bored in my room my stuff was already packed I rolled out of bed and went to see how Shelby was doing. I knocked on the door "who is it?" Said and annoyed Niall "it's the maid" Niall opened the door he was in a pair of sweats, I walked in and went over to Shelby I gave her a hug and asked "how are you?" She wrapped around me and gave me a light squeeze "I'm fine Lou really" I smiled "You guys want to take are stuff down to the lobby its almost time to go" they nodded and went to get there stuff I went back to my room and grabbed luggage and met them in the hall. We went down to the lobby where Paul was waiting for us. He took our luggage while we waited for everyone else. After a bit they got here

"We'll are you ladies ready to see the bus?" I said to Andi and Shelby big smiles grew on there faces and nodded with excited. We walked out side and into the bus I watched as the girls jaws dropped.

"Wow this is... AMAZAYN!" Said Andi I looked at her funny did she really just say AMAZAYN? She blushed "what I thought it was funny" I let a chuckle out "your silly."

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