Chapter 15

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*Andi's POV*

I was woken up by a knock on my door I groaned I hate being woken up, I checked the clock it was midnight. I got up and went to the door, when I opened it I saw that Zayn, "hey, I couldn't sleep, can I come in?" I stepped out of the way and let him threw. Why would Zayn come to my room? Why didn't he go to someone else's room. I watched as he went to the couch and sat down, he turned to me and patted the seat next to him. I walked over and sat next to him, he had something in his hand, a sketch book. "You like to draw?" I asked

"Yeah I do it helps me express myself and its a good way to stay relaxed" he handed me the notebook, I opened it and was stunned at what I saw. There was elaborate drawings of open fields, then a church, "theses are amazing Zayn"

"There pictures of things in my home town, I miss that place sometimes" I kept looking as I answered

"Why don't you go back more and see your family?" I stopped looking to look at him "well we are always busy that I never get the chance"

"Oh" I kept looking then as I got towards the end of the sketch book he took it away from me. "Hey! I wasn't done"

"You can't see the rest there not finished" he stated as he set the sketch book on the coffee table next to him. I didn't push the subject I just got up and went to my night stand and grabbed the sketch book I had. I walked back to Zayn and handed it to him, he opened it up and started to look though my drawings, "your really good Andi"

"Thanks I guess it was a talent that I never knew I had, and I wouldn't of known if it wasn't for Shelby" Zayn looked up at me confused so I explained. "Two years ago I found out that I had a server case of scoliosis, it was so bad that I had to have surgery. When I woke up from the surgery I found I sketch book, sketch pencils, paints and anything else you could think of. Shelby had bought it all for me, and since then I've just always drawn." I watched as Zayn looked over each one then he flipped over to a picture that I forgot was there until now, it was a picture of Zayn that I had drawn on day while in the hospital I felt my cheeks grow warm.

"Man do I look hot" said Zayn I laughed and grabbed the book for him "hey!" He yelled in protest "well you won't let me look at all of your drawing then why should I let you see all of me" I stated simply. He stuck out his lower lip put and pouted. I slapped him on the arm playfully. "Ow what was that for?!"

"For being a baby" I smiled cheeky "wanna watch a movie?" I asked "sure lets see what's on" he said I grabbed the remote and started flipping threw the channels after a few minutes we decided to watch Buck Wild. We where into our second episode when Zayn let out a big yawn "I'm going to go back to bed its pretty late." He stood up as did I " okay ill see you later." I said Zayn walked up to me and gave me a hug "goodnight Andi" I'm breath was caught in my throat, but I finally managed to say goodnight in some unknown language, he let go and walked out of my room leaving standing there in the middle of the floor starring at the last sight I had of him.

*Zayn's POV*

I really don't know why I went over to Andi's but it was nice to talk to her, and she is an amazing artist maybe even better than me. I walked in to my room and went to the bathroom maybe I nice shower would calm me down. After I was done I crawled into bed and drifted of to sleep with Andi on my mind.

*****the next morning********

I was woken up by a heavy knock on my door "Zayn get your lazy bum up your going to make us all late" said a very annoyed Mr Daddy Direction himself. I rolled out of bed and went to answer the door so he knew I was awake. "What time are we leaving mate?" I asked "in an hour" stated Liam, I closed the door and went to the bathroom to do my hair. After I was satisfied I went and got dressed, I picked out a pair of skinnies and a black v-neck. I grabbed my varsity jacket and walked out into the hall, I went to Andi's room and knocked on the door, after a minute she answered. Her eyes were half open and her hair was a mess on top of her head. "Good morning beautiful want to get some breakfast?" I took a few seconds to answer but I finally got a yes she closed the door to get ready and I walked down to Niall and Shelby's room.

You dont know me (A Nial Horan love story)Where stories live. Discover now