Chapter 14

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*Shelby's POV*

I was woken up but someone nudging me "princess you need to wake up" I smiled only Niall calls me that. I opened my eyes and stretched "what time is it?" I asked "it's 4:00 and we need to get going or we will miss outer flight" I groaned but got up, I went to my closet and grabbed some black sweats and a hot pink tank to change into , then I grabbed a hoodie and headed out of my closet, Niall had already taken my luggage down and was waiting for me, and was standing in the door way. "Shelby we have a problem your sister won't get up" I groaned again she hated morning.

I walked over to her room, and opened the door slowly, I crept up to her and when I was right next to her I let out a blood curtailing scream. She jolted up and punched me in the boob, I fell to the floor she had I good left hook. "Nice one I moaned" she laughed "well that's what you get for screaming in my ear god I think I'm deaf" I smiled, the boys came in and turned on the light "oh my god Shelby you can scream" said Zayn "yeah that's what her last boyfriend said" said Andi I got up dog piled on her as we wrestled on the bed I said "no one needed to know that" after I started tickling her she said "okay okay I'm sorry! Please stop!" I got up as she shot my the death glare. "Okay we have to go or we will be late"said Liam

Andi finally got up went to her bathroom change while Zayn carried down her luggage after she came out we left. The ride to the airport was short , but getting to through the airport took forever. After about an hour we where on the plain and ready to leave, we took up the same seating as before except Harry sat right across from Niall and I. "Are you felling alright?" Asked Niall I smiled and said "yeah". He kissed my nose then turned around to talk to Zayn.

I got up and went to talk to Louis, I would of talked to Harry but when I looked over he was asleep. I sat in the empty seat next to Louis he smiled at me and said " ello love what are you doing?"

"We'll everyone was being boring up there so I came and talked to you!" He smiled and said " I feel privileged"

"We'll you should" I said as I poked him in the forehead, he laughed then he grew an evil smile on his face "you know Shelby I never took you as a screamer" I felt my cheeks get really warm but gave him a good come back

"Well Louis I never took you as someone who fantasies over how girls are in bed" she smiled and shrugged his shoulders I punched him in the arm. He grabbed him arm and acted like he was in pain, I rubbed my thumb and index finger together and said "do you hear that I'm playing the worlds smallest violin for you.

"You play it lovely" he said I laughed then the caption came on and said please buckle up as we are about to take off. I sighed "well I have to go back to my seat see ya later" I gave him a hug and went back to Niall. I was feeling tired so I buckled up laid my head back and went to bed.

*Niall's POV*

I watched as Shelby laid her head back and went to sleep, she was so beautiful, I looked over at Harry I was watching me, I felt crept on. "What's up mate?" I said

"You really love her don't you" I smiled I didn't know it was that obvious "yeah I really do but I'm scared that I will scare her away if I say it" he understood what I said and nodded in agreement he laid his head back and closed my eyes I fell asleep in an instant. My last thought was "I wonder when we will land in LA"

******dream land******

I was laying in a huge bed, and I was laying in my boxers, a door opened, steam came rolling out and the out line of a girl was standing in the doorway she came closer to the bed, she crawled up on the bed and on top of me, she whispered in my ear and said thanks babe for packing the lingerie for me. She nibbled on my ear, then a man stepped out of the same door and said "babe don't waste your time on that talentless fool when you can have a real man over here, she got up and said anything for you babe, my heart broke, I grabbed her hand and said "No Shelby please don't leave me!" She laughed in my face "you think I liked you, HA I was just using you" I watched as she walked into the other mans arm and started kissing him, I looked closer and the other man was Louis.

You dont know me (A Nial Horan love story)Where stories live. Discover now