Chapter 12 moving in

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*Niall's POV*

The ride from the airport to Tracy's house was really crammed, all of Andi's bags wouldn't fit in the truck so we had to put some in the back seat. There was already little room in the back seat but now we have to fit Shelby, Tracy, Andi, Zayn, Harry, Myself, and three bags of cloths. The whole way there we had to listen to Shelby and Andi bicker, it was pretty comical. When we arrived at Tracy's Shelby and Andi literally fell out of the car. We all grabbed a bag and headed up to Andi's new room, she was up the stairs across from Shelby. The walls where a blue with a dark wood floor, she had a walk in closet and a bathroom, it was quite nice.

"We'll let's get started shall we?" Shelby said as she dropped the bag she was carrying, we all did the same, we started to but everything away.

*Shelby's POV*

We all started to help Andi un pack, she had a lot of bags I mean A LOT of bags. We where half why done when Andi said

"Shoot I left some bags in the car, Shelby want to help get them?" I stood up and and said yeah, we walked out of the room and down to the car,

"Shelby thank you so much for this it means so much" Andi said I smiled and said "it's means nothing really to be honest I should of never left you there in the first place." She smiled and hugged me making me stop in my tracks. I hugged her back, I've really missed her. We grabbed the bags and went back up stairs. What we walked into was horrific. Zayn and Louis had found Andi's custom made one direction bra and panties, but it didn't stop there Louis had his shirt off and was wearing her bra. I covered Andi's eyes and said "what on gods green earth are you doing?!?!?" He turned around with a shocked expression on his face.

"I thought you guys where going to get stuff?" Said Louis with a sheepish look on his face. "We where only going to the car not back to America!" Andi said, Louis took the bra off and put his shirt back on, that's when I uncovered Andi's eyes, I watched as Louis handed the bra back to a very angry Andi. " I think you guys have helped enough now if you excuses me I'm going to cry at the lose of my Louis bra" we all laughed but headed out the room, as I was about to go down the stairs when I was pulled into my room by Niall.

Before I could say anything I felt lips crash against mine, I smiled and kissed back, I felt his tongue lick the bottom of my lips, but I didn't accept his offer, I wanted to tease him some more. I felt Niall lift me up and with out breaking the kiss he walked over and laid me on my bed, he licked my lip again but I wasn't done teasing him so again I didn't accept. I felt him frown threw the kiss, them his hand slide up my back and got tangle in my hair, he pulled it making me gasp, then he slide his tongue into my mouth, I never knew pulling my hair was a turn on. I felt his hand go up my shirt, then,

"Hey guys WHOA MY INNOCENT EYES IM BLIND!" I looked over to see Andi in the doorway of my room with her eyes covered. I smiled and said, "What do you need?"

"Well I just came into tell you that we are going out to eat and I was going to ask if you want to come?" I didn't have time to reply Niall was off the bed pushing past Andi and was heading down stair. "I take that as a yes" I said as I laughed as I hoped off the bed. I went to my closet and grabbed a pair of light blue skinnies and I grey tank top. Andi walked into my room and threw something at me I turned and caught them, I looked down and saw that they were my knee high light brown boots, I let out a scream and ran to hug her.

"How did you get theses?" She smiled and pushed me off of her and said. "A I can't believe you left all of your shoes, B I started to wear all of your shoes cause they are so cute and C I packed them before you came and got me." She kicked a bag Into my room that filled with all my shoes I was about to thank her when I heard Niall yell from down stairs "OIH YOU LASSIES BETTER HURRY UP OR WE WILL LEAVE YOU!" On that note we went down stairs.

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