Chapter 16

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*Shelby's POV*

My phone woke me up, I grabbed it and answered the call without looking at the caller I.D. "Hello?" there was no answer "hello?" I said again then I finally got an answer "you looked good last night in that black dress and just because you got away this time doesn't mean you will the next" I wasn't able to respond for two reasons, one was because he hung up before I could and two was I was to scared to answer. I let the tears fall, I was loud enough to wake up Niall

"Baby what's wrong? Is your shoulder okay?" I used that as and excuse, "it just hurts that's all" I felt him get up within a few minutes he was back with some pain pills and a glass of water. "Thanks love" I smiled Niall hopped in the bed sat down and pulled me onto his lap.

"So what do we have planned today?" I asked he brushed his nose agents mine then said "the lads and I have an interview at three, until then we are free" I looked at the alarm clock on the stand it was only eleven. "Okay let's shower then get something to eat" I said

"Okay!" Niall said he picked me up and took me to the bathroom, "Niall I didn't mean together!" I playfully said "aw come on babe! I jumped out of his arms and ran to the bathroom and shut the door behind me. "Please babe" said a begging Niall from the other side of the door. "No babe" I heard him walk away from the door, I stripped down and that's when I noticed I forgot my phone for my shower time jams. I wrapped up in a towel and opened the door Niall was laying on the bed with his hands behind his head. He looked up and smiled, "well well did you change you mind?"

"No I just want my phone so I can listen to music" Niall looked over and grabbed my phone, "you can't have it unless I get to shower with you"

"But babe!" I yelled and stomped my feet like a two year old. I looked at him and he dangled my phone in front of me. I tried to grab it but he was to fast. "Fine I didn't need my phone" I turned around and went back into the bathroom and took my shower. It was awkward with out music, I heard the door open and music start to play.

"Sorry baby here Is your music" said Niall

"Thanks love" I said I heard the door open then close, he left I went to wash the shampoo out of my hair when I heard the shower curtain ruffle my opened to see a naked Niall in front of me "WHAT THE HELL NIALL" I tried to cover myself up but slipped on the soapy water which made me slide into Niall. His arms wrapped around me to catch me, feeling his naked body pressed up to mine made me my hair stand on ends but in a good way. I looked up into Niall's eye then he softly kissed me.

*Niall's POV*

I really didn't know what had gotten into me I would have never done this any other day but today I felt sexually frustrated? So when I went to give Shelby her phone I decided to get into the shower with her to see where it got me. I undressed and got in, she was washing her hair, and she looked so sexy with water running down her body. She opened her eyes and screamed "WHAT THE HELL NIALL" she tried to cover herself but slipped and fell into me, when our bodies touched I couldn't help myself I felt like there was a a current of electricity running threw my body, but it didn't hurt it felt really good, almost to good, I bent down to kiss her softly i wanted it to be love our first time not lust.

I felt her hands run threw my hair then she grabbed a hand full, but she didn't pull. I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her closer to me, that's when things got heated. I started to kiss down her neck, when I got to her sweet spot she moaned lightly.

"I don't want our first time to be in the shower" she said softly, looked into her eyes and said "okay" I turned of the water and led her to the bed, I didn't care that we were soaking wet I laid her down and kissed her passionately. Just as we where about to go further I heard a knock on the door. "WHAT!" I yelled, I was mad that just as I was about to go farther with Shelby someone had to interrupt.

You dont know me (A Nial Horan love story)Where stories live. Discover now